I like how when you start to write a chapter it says 'Your masterpiece here.' It's a nice touch. If you don't know what I mean, try writing a story. You don't have to upload it, it's just fun. Hell, I've got 1 read but I'm going to keep writing. And I'm not a huge writing fan.
So I was talking to a guy friend again and he sent me 'xx'. I don't like like this person, who for the sake of the argument shall be called Frank, so I didn't send anything back. At all. In fact, I didn't click on it so it would show Frank that I had seen it. I finally did tonight (around a week after the message was first sent) and he immediately starts talking to me.
He goes all 'so I send you x's and you don't reply, I can't figure you out' and I'm thinking 'whaa?'
And apparently I have a hugging schedule and only hug him on certain days. He sends me a message saying something along the lines of 'You only give me hugs when Daphne isn't at school on that day, or you only give me hugs when I ask for them and she's nowhere near us. You don't give me hugs at all if she's around.'
Which makes me think, why do you care so much? I hadn't even noticed any of this, how did you?! Also, Daphne's one of my best friends and she wouldn't care if I hugged you or not.
This also gets me thinking about just how insecure boys are. Again. I know I touched base on this last time, but it seems to have emerged again.
They need constant attention, which pisses me off. They do realise that we have a life, right? I can't talk to you 24/7! And then the one person you do want to talk to doesn't want to talk to you...
I really should do homework; it's due tomorrow. That's always the way it works, you do all of the very important assignment that counts for heaps of your grade the night before its due, even if you've had weeks to work on it. I've also got to memorise my lines in drama... Shoulda done that earlier.
Anyway, I know it's a short entry. Sorry if you're actually interested in what I'm saying and there's not enough writing. Wanna drop me a comment so I can fix these mistakes? Or even just some feedback, everything is appreciated. Thanks!
Musings of an Average Teen
AcakA little look into my head. Will probably contain complete randomness, with sprinkles of ranting on top. A side of complete nonsense will be supplied.