Chapter 5

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Lafayette POV

I woke up grumbling slightly as I heard an alarm go off.

'I don't remember putting an alarm before napping.'

As I was about to get up, I felt something, or someone hugging me. I looked down, I felt as though my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

A cheeky grin made its way to my face seeing my Alexander next to me. But then, seeing as how I didn't turn off the alarm, he woke up.

His eyes opened as we both looked into each other's eyes with nothing but silence surrounding us. I was about to say something when I was interrupted by a small yawn escaping his mouth.

"Laf... you're awake...." He said sluggishly "I've been trying to get you to wake up earlier so you could move to your room, but you pulled me in instead." He said as he yawned again and his eyes teared up a bit.

I smiled at him sheepishly and chuckled, "Sorry Mon Ami, I've been really stressed out today. Since Samuel Seabury kept on annoying me non-stop about his little speech," I said with a little eye roll.

Alexander narrowed his eyes as he remembered hearing the same thing a few weeks pass "Ugh, don't even mention him. He can be nice sometimes, but his speech about King Jonathan Groff is a bit annoying at times." He said groaning as he sat up.

He slowly picked up his phone and turned off the alarm, his eyes then lit up as he turned to look at me, making my heart pound at the look in his eyes.

"Hey, I've got an idea!" He said beaming while looking at me making me grin at his energy "Oh? What do you plan on doing Mon Ami?" I ask with a raised brow and a playful grin.

He grinned wider "Why don't you sit back and relax." He said, pushing me back to sit back on the couch and relax.

"While you cook dinner, no?" I asked with a small frown "Don't worry about it, I mean you've been cooking for the both of us almost every day." He said, rolling his eyes.

I was about to argue with him till he picked up the apron put it on "Just think of me as your wife whose preparing you dinner after a long day after work." He said, laughing.

Without being able to speak, he left to get cooking in the kitchen with me stranded in the kitchen red-faced and mouth gaping like a fish.

I slumped back against the couch with a shit-eating grin "Jésus Alexandre, que me fais-tu?" I sighed dreamily thinking about the possibilities of getting married to the man of my dreams.

(Jesus Alexander, what are you doing to me?)

"Comment pouvez-vous être capable de me faire ressentir cela?..." I said to myself. I couldn't help but imagine being with my beloved in the kitchen cooking as our children would play in the living room.

(How can you be able to make me feel this way?...)

I sigh again, too deep in my daydream to even notice Alexander. Standing by the doorway, who had an amused face.

"Enjoying yourself, Mon Ami?" He snorted which cut me off from my daydream with made me blush and sit up quickly.

"Oh, Mon Amo-Mon Ami! I-er, Tu as déjà fini de cuisiner?" I asked sweetly rubbing the back of my neck.

(Have you finished cooking?)

He pulled me up from the couch "Well, I'm not that good of a cook as you are.." he said blushing "But I hope you like it." He says, smiling.

I smiled as I sat down and gaped at the food in front of me, it was almost as good as mine, but it looked amazing!

"My God Alexander!" I say in astonishment, he suddenly looked panicked after hearing my words.

"Oh no...does it look bad? Oh gosh..." he rambled on as my eyes widened seeing how wrong my choice of words was.

"No nononono, that's not what I meant Mon Ami." I said, flailing my arms, he calmed down a little but had a look of worry in his eyes "What I meant was that it looked, how you say, exquisite."

He breathed out a sigh as he smiled at me in relief "Oh, I was so worried..." I stood up from my seat, which made him confused, and I pulled up his chair.

"Well, I can't let my wife to just stand." I said winking at him causing him to pout and shove me playfully "Oh haha very funny Laf." He said before sitting down on the chair as I pushed it back.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, placing them on the table pouring wine into them and sitting down.

I handed one to Alex, he took it thanking me as I smiled at him and drank my wine. We both ate and drank enjoying each others company.

We talked about random stuff til Alex said that he wanted to tell me something important "Um uh Laf, there's something I've gotta tell you..." He said nervousness evident in his voice.

"Go on Mon Ami, I'm here." I said, smiling as I held his hands from across the table "Thanks Laf..." He said, smiling back.

He cleared his throat "Um well, um Thomas and James Madison kissed me....." He said in a hushed voice.

As much as I love my cousin and his best friend, I can't help a surge of anger and jealousy wash over me as a squeeze his hands in mine.

"And they gave me about two weeks to think about it, which means I'll have to give them my answer next Thursday...." He said softly then he squeezed my hands looking down.

I frowned sympathetically "But, here's the thing..." He looked up at me tears in his eyes, making my heart clench in sadness "I don't...I...I don't even know how I feel." He said with his bottom lip trembling.

I stood up and moved to him as I carried him to the coach whispering sweet nothings into his ear "Shhh there, there, Alexander." Softly cradling him as he cried.

"I like James for how nice he is and Thomas for how smart he is but....there are other people as James said something about some other people wanting to win my heart or something." He said mumbling the last part.

I patted his head and hummed "Well, you do know that you are good looking, no?" He looked up at me and scrunched up his nose.

I rolled my eyes "You seriously haven't seen how they look at you?" He denied knowing that Alexander is a pretty dense person, I mean I've tried dropping hints during high school, but it never worked.

I knew that he had fallen asleep the moment I heard his little snores, I smiled as I carried him to his room and tucked him into bed kissing his forehead gently.

But as I was about to leave to my own room he grabbed my wrist "Stay...." He said softly.

"Hey." I said chuckling, and he giggled in return "Hey..." He said eyes half-lidded, it looked like he was about to fall asleep again, but that look of determination was still in his eyes.

I laughed as I knew that no matter what I'd do, I wouldn't be able to say no this, so I climbed in bed with him, and he snuggled next to me as I pulled him closer.

"Night Laf..."

"Goodnight Mon Ami.."

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