Chapter eleven

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Today's Stella's last day at the farm for a while the worst part she doesn't know when she'll be able to come back, to much prep is needed for the end of year show
Stella decides to head out early the one thing she hasn't managed to do yet is visit her horses Disney and Milly she heads down to the stables she opens up and smiles seeing her horses
She saddles up Disney and takes her out first she rides Disney all the way out the the corner of the property which takes her a good hour and a half
"What do I do Disney" Stella sighs
"How do I tell Michael that I like him" Stella says
Stella sighs realising that answers won't come from a horse
She rides around for ages before heading back to the house
"Are you leaving soon" Marie says as Stella sits down next to her mum
"Yeah I'm going to leave in about ten minutes so I can get back and prep for tomorrow" Stella sighs
"My girl you are becoming so beautiful" Marie smiles
Soon enough Stella's time at the farm is over
"When will you come back" Marie says
"I don't know" Stella sighs
"Soon" Craig says chocking up a bit
"Dad don't cry please" Stella begs
"I'm trying babe it's just for so long" Craig says
"I'll come home as quick as I can I promise" Stella says holding back tears she hugs her teary eyed parents before climbing in her car she pulls away waving as she pulls out of the property
As soon as Stella's out of her parents sight she breaks down into tears not knowing how long it will be until she sees her parents and pets again...
3 hours later
Stella finally pulls up to the host house getting out her car she walks up to the door and walks in she sees Anna first
"STELLA'S BACK" Anna yells everyone comes bounding down the stairs and hugs Stella
"Hey guys" Stella smiles
"How was it" Hannah says as they all sit down
"It was amazing I saw a calf being born and i rode my horses spent time with my parents ugh it was so good" Stella smiles
"That's really good" Hannah smiles
"I'm going upstairs" Stella smiles everyone nods Hannah follows Stella upstairs
Stella sits on her bed and closes her eyes
"Hey can I borrow your laptop mines dead" Hannah says getting ready to try the plan
"Yeah sure" Stella says Hannah smiles grabbing the laptop she sends Luke a text
Hannah - ready?
Luke - yep
Hannah - what about Michael
Luke - I told him we're talking and he wanted to see you hah
Hannah - okay :)
Hannah logs on to Skype and mutes the computer she dials Luke and Michael pops up
"So Stella do you still have a crush on Michael" Hannah says casually as she unmutes the laptop
"Yeah I do he's so cute and I want to go out with him but the distance and mum says I should just stop being such a wimp and ask him out" Stella says
"You have a crush on me" Michael says
Stella's eyes widen...

A/N: ohhh cliff hanger... Aha I'm babysitting tonight so when the kids have gone to bed I'll update ;) hehe thank you all for the reads and votes it means heaps honestly <3 see you in the next chapter lovelies xx

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