Christian Turner

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Name: Christian Turner

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Name: Christian Turner

Aliases: Tall, dark and somewhat handsome (Oceane) Mr Broody (Oceane)

Age as of book 6: 24 

Birthday: January 1994

Occupation: Mobster/Gang member.

Relationships: Oceane Smith (Relationship status confirmed in future books from book 6) Antonio Sambello (old friends) Daniel Sambello (Friends/colleagues) Emma Winters (acquaintances) Flynn Winters (enemies)

Character Overview (spoilers! be warned.)

Christian is a very diverse character that is introduced in Saving Emma book 6: The Art of Falling. He works for Danny but when he asked to 'take care' of Oceane, it's obvious he has a soft spot for her and an alliance is formed. He has almost been indoctrinated by the mob, and struggles to show empathy and can be very cold towards people.

He is rather flirtatious towards Oceane and gives her the nickname: 'Princess', which he calls her most of the time. This causes Flynn and himself to become enemies over her, causing arguments between them.

He is described to be the 'tall dark and handsome' kind, always wearing a black button up shirt, black jeans and a long black coat. He is also a smoker and can be pictured lighting a cigarette but Oceane tries to get him to quit. Love interests: Oceane Smith

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