Chapter 13: What happened

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///Virgil's P.O.V.////

I wake up to an empty bed even though I could have sworn I fell asleep with Roman next to me. I get out if bed and walk into the kitchen and see Patton and Logan making breakfast and Roman making coffee. " Um what is all of this you guys usually don't make things all together?" I ask looking at all of them as they turn surprised. " Goodmorning kiddo did we wake you? " Patton says with a smile as Roman walks over to me. " We were gonna surprise you with a breakfast but I guess that's not gonna happen now." Roman hugs me as he says this.

He lying to you about loving you he actually hates you. He's only hugging you out of pity. He doesn't actually love you how could he love someone that looks like you or acts like you. You are useless, worthless, and ugly.

Roman puts his hand on my cheek and looks me in the eyes. " Virge are you okay?" His words break me out of my thoughts. " H-huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." I say lying but I don't want to say the truth. They all start to stare at me and then the other two get back to cooking. " How about you sit down and I'll be there in a minute." Roman says as he starts to walk back to the coffee. I take a seat at the table and look at my hands. Then a cup of coffee is placed in my hand with a heart made out of creamer.

" Are you sure your okay my emo nightmare?" I look up to see Roman also with a cup of coffee in his hands looking worried. I give him a slight smile " yeah I'm fine I promise." He gives me a smile and then puts his hand on mine as Patton and Logan come over with pancakes and fruit. They put it down on the table and motion to eat. I take a pancake and some fruit putting a little sugar in top. I eat that and then start drinking my coffee.

I get up from my seat " I'm goimg to my room now. " I say and they all nod as I walk off. I get to my door and then I open it to see Deceit and Remus standing there. " They will never except you. " Remus says grinning. " They totally don't fake liking you " Deceit says as Remus takes his hand. " You will always be the bad guy." They both say I'm unison and then disappear. I start to cry a little and then lock my door. I walk over to my desk.

They'll never love me anyways. I see the blade I'm my desk watching me....teasing me. It's like it's watching me waiting to see if I'm going to actually do it. I grab it and press it to my skin. I glide it across my skin slowly at first then I do it quicker a couple more times. I can see the blood forming around the cuts seeping out of the cuts. Then the blood drips down my arms. I can see the blood on my skin and I get mesmerized by it moving down my arms. I snap out of it and grab my shirt and wipe up the blood.

They are all right I'm worthless and they all are just faking loving me. They could never actually love me I'm too much if a horrible person. I'm worthless and useless. And it didn't even hurt that bad. Cutting my skin didn't hurt as much as people say it would. I use to ask myself why people would do that and doesn't it hurt a lot but I now know that it doesn't. Same with starving yourself I thought it hurt but it doesn't hurt that bad. Maybe those people weren't wrong to do it. I'm going to do it more no one will care anymore but they never have.

I pull down my sleeves and throw the shirt in my closet. Then I put the blade back in my desk so that no one will see it. I lay on my bed and I close my eyes.

You are so worthless and useless. Roman never loved you and he never will. You are an idiot if you think he could love someone like you. They will always hate you.

I curl up on my bed and pull my knees to my chest as I cry. I don't know why I'm crying I already knew all of this but it still hurts to listen to it in my head. I start to cry more and then I decide to look at my phone. I've been crying for two hours now. Jeez has it really been that long. I hear a knock at my door. Perfect that's exactly what I needed. I hope it's Logan at least he'll leave me alone after a little bit. But of course I can't be that lucky. " Hey kiddo are you okay? " Oh great it's Patton.

" I-im fine. " I try to say through tears. I can tell he's not buying it because he trys to open the door. " Kiddo can you open the door please? " He says through the door sounding worried. " No." I say burying my face in my pillows. " Virgil let me in! " Patton says more sternly but still caring. " I said no!" I say trying to hide my crying. " K-kiddo are you crying?" I hear Patton say through the door and then run off. At least he's gone now. " Virgil let us in " I hear Logan say sternly but calmly and I can hear the other two as well.

" N-no." I say curling up more and crying. Then I feel someone pull me close to them and put me in their lap. " please don't cry and then tell us that your fine." I hear Roman's voice as the one who is comforting me. I cling to his shirt and start crying. He starts hugging me even more. " Kiddo what h-happened? " Patton sounds even more concerned now. But I don't know why.

(And that is where I'm gonna leave it for now. You guys are gonna be left with a clif hanger. Also I'll try to post soon bye guys )

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