Chapter 14: Worried

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    ///Roman's P.O.V ///

   Virgil had just left to his room and I could tell something was wrong. Virgil seemed really upset this morning and last night but I don't know why. I out his cup of coffee in the sink and sit back at the table. " Did Virgil leave? " I hear Patton ask from the kitchen. " Yeah he did....I don't know why though.." I get up from the table and walk over to the kitchen and leans on the counter. " I wonder what's bothering Virgil....I'm starting to get worried he's been hiding in his room a lot lately...."  I look around a little and then Patton puts the plate of food ok the table and two more and then we all sit down.

   " If Virgil doesn't come downstairs by lunch we need to check on him " I looks them both and they nod. " Agreed " Logan says and he starts to eat. " I agree with that Kiddo " Patton says and Roman starts eating. I do the same.

  ( I'm lazy so I'm skipping to the point of the last chapter )

   ///Virgil's P.O.V///

" K-kiddo what happened? " Patton says sounding more worried than he was earlier. I don't know why. I start crying more and cling to Roman even more. " Shhh it's okay I'm here " I hear Roman's calm voice say. I start to calm down a little bit. I remember everything Deceit and Remus said and start to go into a panic attack. I start hyperventilating and and crying a little. I can't hear anyone around me over my breathing. But then I can feel three pairs of arms around me. Even Logan was hugging me.

   You know they all hate you. They are just pretending to like you so they can use you. Or they are just being nice to you right now so that they can kick you out later. You are so worthless and dumb that you can't even remember that!

    Maybe that's true they probably only want to get rid of me. " Kiddo can you please tell us what happened? " I hear Patton's kind voice break me out of my thoughts. " P-panic attack....that's all..." They all stair at me like I said something wrong. " Why did you have a panic attack? " Roman asks looking at me worried. And then they all look at me worried. Even Logan looks worried........ worried?

    They aren't actually worried about me. No one could be worried about me especially not them. They can't worry about me because they don't care about me. They all hate me they would rather me be gone then be with them. How could they be worried about me if they hate me. It's not possible so I must be looking bat them wrong. There is no way they could be worried.....right? But what if they are worried...? What if I've been thinking wrong? What if they do care?

    Care? Care about you!? Don't make me laugh that's hilarious! You actually think they could care about you. That they would care about you. That they would " worry about you ". Please! Don't joke around like that no one would ever be able to worry about you! You are worthless and unworthy of being worried about. And you should know that the best. You hate yourself don't you? So if you hate yourself how could they ever love you.

   What was I thinking no one will car about me. Why would they worry about me. " Virgil!? " Logan almost yelling broke me out of my thoughts. " H-huh? " They all look at me again. " You were lost in thought but can you tell us why you had a panic attack? " Roman asks again looking at me. Oh right I have to come up with an excuse of why I was having a panic attack. " Stress....I've been stressing over a lot of things lately but it's not a big deal you don't have to worry about it." They all look at me kind of.....sad.

    Why do they all look so sad? I didn't completely lie to them I am stressed about a lot of things. I will never tell them what those things are but they are there. " Okay....but Virgil can you come eat something you haven't eaten in a while? " Roman says as he stands up and put me on my bed and goes to pick me up. " I-i did eat I ate around four am " I say and give a fake smile. Roman picks me up anyways and starts carrying me downstairs. " W-what are you doing!? " I ask a little flustered and confused.

    " Sense you won't eat we are all going to watch movies together. " I nod and lean my head on his chest. " Okay " I feel really tired but try my best to stay awake. Logan starts to make popcorn and Patton starts making cookies.  " I'm going to get some blankets " Roman says while standing up. " Okay. " I say as I lay down on the couch waiting for the others. Roman comes back with blankets and throws one on the other side of the couch and he wraps the other one around me and him.

   Logan them comes out with the popcorn and goes back to the kitchen to help Patton with the cookies. They both are in the kitchen for a couple more minutes and then Patton comes out holding a plate of cookies and two mugs. Then Logan comes out holding a mug in each of his hands. Patton ours one mug infront of me and the other infront of Roman. Mine was not chocolate with marshmallows and a heart made out of whip cream. I can't help but smile a little and grab a cookie starting to eat the cookie and drink the hot chocolate.

   I look at the others as the grab cookies and drink the hot chocolate. ," So what are we going to watch first? " Roman asks while looking at all of us. " How about Princess and the Frog? " I mumble just loud enough for them to hear. " Sure! " Roman says. " That sounds amazing! " Patton says all bubbly. " That's sounds sadisfactory " Logan says and gives me a smile.

    We out in the movie and watch them untill dinner and then Patton and Logan make dinner and it was a soup. We all ate while watching movies and then kept watching more after dinner. Patton had fallen asleep on Logan when I leaned on Roman almost too tired for me to handle anymore. I started to fall asleep and this time I let myself fall asleep.

( Hey guys so that's the end of this chapter. I will hopefully post the next part soon but with the holidays coming up I don't know for sure. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter by guys!

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