Chapter 22: Who are you

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/// Roman's P.O.V ///

We just finished the potion to reverse the affects of the poison on Virgil so now all we have to do is make him drink it and everything will be boyfriend will be back...I'll have him back and everything will be okay again. Before I get lost in my thoughts I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Logan with the potion in a pouch that is on his waist. " Are you ready Roman cause this is not going to be easy like the last time we got Virgil. " Logan says in a serious voice and I nod in response summoning my sword and putting it in the sword holder on my waist.

We all teleport to the dark sides part of the mind palace and it seems empty but then I can hear people talking and I assume it's Deceit and Remus but I can't seem to find them anywhere in the room. I keep looking around to try and find them but I still can't and then I hear sobs comin from one of the rooms and I can tell it's Virgil. I run towards where I hear the sobs coming from but then I don't hear it anymore but I can see multiple rooms down the hallway. Patton and Logan follow me and we try to find Virgil together checking rooms and then we get to the last three. One of the rooms I can tell is Remus's which then leads me to know that one of the last two is Virgil's.

Before I can open the door of the last door down the hallway a dark figure appears and it looks like Virgil but is definitely not Virgil. " Who are you!? " I shout at the mysterious figure that is blocking the door. " Why I am the one that keeps Virgil up all the time and what cause's him to think what he does and I am to not let you three in right now " The mysterious figure says but I quickly go up to him and pull out my sword and go to stab him but my sword just goes right through him confirming that he is just a figure and not a full on side. " You can't get rid of me that easily " He says and his voice sound like a more glitchy and deeper version of Virgil's and it's starting to get me mad. " Give us Virgil now! "
I yell at him and he smirks and then disappears and I can hear the door unlock and I swing the door open to see Virgil on the bed sobbing.

/// Virgil's P.O.V ///

I never realized how much I hated being a dark side until I had to come back and now I can't help it but have a full on panic attack and I can't hear anything over my breathing and my sobs. Next thing I know is I feel I pair of strong but comforting arms wrap around me and I turn to see a familiar face the one that I can never lie to the one who when I see I can't help but never want to let go. I see Roman there and what seems like a potion in his hand. " Virgil I need you to drink this so you can come back with us..." He says in a calming voice and I shakily take the potion and drink it and I start to feel dizzy which makes me panic even more. " Hey it's okay Virgil, when you wake up you'll be with me, Logan, and Patton again. " His voice is still nice and calm which makes me calm down and I end up passing out.

/// Roman's P.O.V ///

After Virgil passed out from the effects of the potion I pick him up and start walking out where Patton and Logan were waiting for me and we almost leave before I feel a tentacle wrap around my ankle. I pull out my sword still holding Virgil and stab the tentacle and then kick it off of my ankle and start running back to the entrance of the light columns. Once we make it back I lay Virgil down on the couch and I sit on the floor next to him and run my fingers through his hair watching him as he sleeps. He's always so peaceful when he sleeps and it's one of the few times I can actually see him calm for once.

/// Oh look another P.O.V change- Patton's P.O.V ///

Right before Roman comes out with Virgil we can see Remus and Deceit coming and I was about to get Roman to hurry up when he runs out of the room so all three of us start running but then Roman stops for some reason but when we look at him he's kicking something off his ankle. He starts running again still holding Virgil and then we all make it safely back home and Roman goes to the couch with Virgil and then Logan pulls me into a hug. I will admit I love Logan's hugs they are so warm and comforting. I hug him back and he starts petting my hair which I love when he does that. " Are you okay after all of that Patton? " Logan asks and his voice is very calming and nice. " Yeah, I'm okay Logie thanks for asking " I say with a smile on my face and he smiles back at me a little. I stop hugging him and go and change into my cat hoodie and shorts and when I walk out I see Logan in a hoodie as well but he has leggings on.

I giggle and go over to him and say " you look great Logie! " He smiles and looks at me. " Thank you Patton you also look good. " He says while smiling and then kisses my cheek and goes to his room so I follow him and find him reading a book. I sit next to him and yawn not realizing how tired I actually was from everything that just happened. Logan wraps his arms around me and lays both of us down putting his book on the nightstand and pets my hair which made me relax. Not long after he started to pet my hair I fell asleep cuddled up with him.

( What's this a cute end at a chapter? I thought that I would do something cute to make up for all of the sadness so there's a little bit of cuteness with Logan and Patton. Sorry that this chapter took so long I haven't had a lot of motivation but I will try my best for the book not to be on halt this long again. )

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