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Since we know that there's a traitor between us, the things here at heaven, have been kinda tensed... And if it couldn't be worse, i have an angry mother behind me, complaining the whole day...

-God: For the tenth time today, Atenea, I can't do anything else... (sighs)
-Atenea: My Lord, we are talking about my son... The one who saved this place, I think you own him a big one, how can you stay that calmed here?!
-God: I know that I have a huge debt with him... (sighs) But don't worry, he's an angel now... (gulps)
-Atenea: Why did you gulp? (suspecting)
-God: Because... He's not just an angel...
-Atenea: What do you mean-
-Gabriel: Sir, Jangkook has those tattoos and the black eyes... He's totally a demon and an angel, what are we going to do? My daughter is really worried and-
-God: Gabriel, you couldn't come in a better moment... (sighs)

And now it's even worse... Not just a furious and worried mother, now there's also the father... Why do they had to have that complicated love story?! What a pain in the ass...

But I can't complain tho, thanks to Jihyo's love, he changed and saved all of us... Now, we need to save him from devil's hands...

-Miguel: Excuse me sir, have you seen Raphael?
-Gabriel: Talking about him, he didn't come to our last meeting... What's he so busy about?
-Atenea: Is that even important now, we need to focus on Jangkook, he's an angel and a demon at the same time!
-Miguel: Just like the other time, right? He'll manage (smiles)
-Atenea: Don't say as if it was an easy thing!
-Miguel: Hey keep calm, he's with Jihyo, he'll survive...
-Gabriel: Talking about Jihyo, can we focus on helping her? I already sent Baekhyun...
-Atenea: Why did you sent Cupid's son to Earth?
-Miguel: Yeah, we lack of soldiers here! How could you do that without asking first?

I'm tired... Why are they arguing nonsense stuff instead of trying to think and find a solution? This situation is taking control over us, and I'm not happy with it...

-God: Stop arguing! Listen to me carefully, and stop wasting our time!
-Three: Yes sir... (bows)
-God: This is what we are going to do, Miguel, you and your soldiers, find Raphael and tell him that I want to talk with him, also... Keep an eye on him...
-Miguel: Yes, sir... (bows and smiles)
-God: Gabriel, Atenea... (sighs) Gabriel, you'll keep an eye on Jihyo, while Atenea, I want you to keep an eye on Jennie... We don't know what can she do yo Jangkook...
-Both: Yeah!
-God: You can go now...

Damn, they are so stubborn and hard to manage sometimes... I hope this plan works... And I also hope this is the last fight...

I look deep into Jihyo's big eyes, she looks atonished by what I just asked... But what can I do? I need some answers...

 But what can I do? I need some answers

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-Jihyo: Jangkook...
-Jangkook: Please, just tell me... Is that even possible? There are lots of thinks that I don't know and that are driving me crazy... (sighs)
-Jihyo: You are a demon...
-Jangkook: W-What? (shocked)
-Jihyo: But not only that...
-Jangkook: What do you mean? (confused)
-Jihyo: You are also an angel... (sighs)
-Jangkook: How's that even possible?
-Jihyo: Look, I know that you must have lots of questions right now... But it's not the moment to answer-
-Jangkook: (grabs Jihyo against a wall) Tell me... I want all the answers... (sighs) Do I need to do anything so you answer me? (serious)
-Jihyo: W-Why are you so serious so suddenly? We need to go to school and-
-Jangkook: Who cares about school? Who's Jannick exactly and why am I so related to him! (serious)
-Jihyo: Jangkook please... You are grabbing me too hard, it hurts...
-Jangkook: Don't you know how does it hurt when my body burns?! (pissed) I want some answers right now... And if you are not going to answer me, I'll search for someone who'll do it...
-Jihyo: Jangkook no, you wouldn't go and-
-Jangkook: I'll go with Jennie, she'll tell me who I am... (serious walks away)

I start walking fast to school when I feel something go through my chest, suddenly, I feel sleepy... Damn, I can't hold but to sleep...

Damn... His demon side is always really scary... How lucky that Baek was around... He saved me, when, also the world... God knows what would had happened if he met Jennie now...

-Baek: That was near, right?

-Baek: That was near, right?

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-Jihyo: Yeah... How glad I am that you were around... (smiles)
-Baek: What happened exactly?
-Jihyo: He noticed that he's a demon and also an angel... He wanted some answers, when suddenly his demon side took control over him when I refused to answer...
-Baek: Why didn't you answer him?
-Jihyo: What do you think that is he going to do if he has all the answers?
-Baek: I don't know...
-Jihyo: He would know that he's the Hell's Lord and would want to take control over it... And he wouldn't pay attention to me, his girlfriend!
-Baek: But Jihyo... You are meant to be together, the arrows never lie... (smiles) He wouldn't leave you...
-Jihyo: It's so dangerous anyway...
-Baek: What do we do now, then?
-Jihyo: Bring him to my flat... I'll take care of him while he's sleeping... (smiles) You can make sure that no one bothers us... I'll see if I tell him or not about what he wants to know...
-Baek: Okay, let's do this... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Why are you always so smiley?
-Baek: Me? Well, maybe because I'm Cupid's son... (chuckles)
-Jihyo: You are weird...
-Baek: Look who talks... An archangel who is fated to be with the hell's Lord... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Yeah, true... (giggles)
-Baek: Complicated or impossible live stories, were always my favorite (smiles)
-Jihyo: Why?
-Baek: Because it's when true love is shown up... (smiles) Like Romeo and Juliet...
-Jihyo: That's just a fictional story...
-Baek: But still, you can feel the love (smiles) it's the same case now...
-Jihyo: Same case... Huh?

Maybe he's right, it's time to fight for this complicated love, and it doesn't matter whoever wants to get on our way...

A FIGHT FOR LOVE 2- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now