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I feel nothing different at all... I mean, I'm still with my eyes closed, I'm worried, I don't know what to expect, I actually didn't die, but I'm at heaven...

-Jihyo: We are here Jangkook, open your eyes (smiles)
-Baek: Yeah, you'll like this (smiles)
-Jangkook: O-Okay... (smiles)

I open my eyes slowly, and we are in front of a huge door... It says heaven, I can't belive this is actually happening...

 It says heaven, I can't belive this is actually happening

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-Jihyo: Let's go (smiles) I'll introduce you to my dad, and maybe also to your real mom...
-Jangkook: My real mom, huh?
-Baek: Jihyo, if you excuse me, I'll meet my father meanwhile, I'll leave you both alone... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Oh, okay, see you later Baek (smiles)
-Baek: Bye, enjoy your stance here Jangkook (smiles)
-Jangkook: Thanks (smiles)
-Jihyo: Well, let's go... (smiles) We have a lot to do...
-Jangkook: Y-Yeah... (sighs) I can't belive this is actually happening...
-Jihyo: It's real (holds your hand) Plus, I'll be with you all the time... It'll be okay (smiles)
-Jangkook: Okay...

Then we crossed the door, and now we are officially at heaven... I look at around, and it surprises me... I mean, this place looks... Really cool?

-Jangkook: Jihyo

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-Jangkook: Jihyo...
-Jihyo: Hmm? (smiles)
-Jangkook: This place... It looks really good, and quite... Normal? I mean, like the Earth...
-Jihyo: How did you expect heaven to be like? (confused)
-Jangkook: I don't know... More like celestial?
-Jihyo: Hmm... I think i understand you, but there's just one place like that... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Which is?
-Jihyo: The place where we are heading to... The Olympus (smiles) all the gods and so reunite there...
-Jangkook: Am I allowed to go there? I'm just an angel, well also a demon...
-Jihyo: Jangkook, you are Jannick, and Jannick saved this place... You are more than allowed (smiles)
-Jangkook: I-I see... (smiles)

We walk for a while until we reach a really celestial place, which is way more how I expected heaven to be like...

Being honest, I'm kind of nervous now... I'm gonna meet Jihyo's father, God, my mother... It's so weird... I don't know if I'll be able to handle this...

-Jangkook: How should I greet them

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-Jangkook: How should I greet them...?
-Jihyo: Are you nervous?
-Jangkook: (nods) I don't know how's God... Or my mother... This is weird for me...
-Jihyo: Don't worry, they are all really nice... (smiles) Just follow me...
-Jangkook: Okay...

We then enter the Olympus, and for the first time in my life, I feel a weird energy... I look around where other Gods are having fun and so...

-Jihyo: Don't get distracted, we'll head to the main room, and we'll ask God for Chronos... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Yeah... (smiles)

We walk some more, until we arrive to a really big room where there are three men and one woman... I'm really nervous, my legs are shaking...

-Jihyo: Father... (smiles)

Then, all of them turn to us, and they have a really shocked expression... I guess they weren't expecting me here...

-Man: What's the boy doing here? (confused)
-Jihyo: We came to visit someone in order to solve the traitor problem...
-Man new: Are you having a meeting without me?
-Jihyo: He's Raphael, the third God's man... (smiles) They are Miguel, and Gabriel, my father...
-Jangkook: Then...
-Jihyo: Yeah, the other one is God, and the woman is Atenea... Your mother... (smiles)
-Gabriel: It's been so long since I last saw you Jannick, I mean, Jangkook... (smiles)
-Jangkook: U-Uh... I'm sorry, I can't remember any of you... (smiles and bows)
-God: Its okay, we all know you and that's enough (smiles)
-Jangkook: Thanks sir... (smiles)
-Atenea: Jannick, I mean, Jangkook... Would you mind to give a hug to your mother? It was so hard being without you... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Okay...

I let her hug me, and it really felt warm... Like when my mom hugged me... But why? I wasn't raised by her, and I don't remember anything from my past life neither...

-Miguel: I think they are not here just for hugs Atenea, can you stop wasting their time?
-Atenea: Why are you so damn annoying?!
-Gabriel: You are giving a bad impression to our guest...
-Raphael: Sir, why don't you stop them?
-God: Jihyo, why are you here?
-Jihyo: We came to visit Chronos... (smiles) We need his help...
-God: Chronos is busy... You'll need to conform with her daughter... Irene...
-Jihyo: Okay, thanks... (smiles and bows) Father, we'll be going...
-Gabriel: Take care (smiles) Jangkook, protect Jihyo as you always did...
-Jangkook: Y-Yeah... (smiles and bows)

We then start looking for Chronos daughter Irene

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We then start looking for Chronos daughter Irene... But, while we are walking a girl suddenly appears...

-Jihyo: Oh, you appeared by yourself... (smiles)
-Girl: well, you know, I can control the time and I saw you two looking for me in a soon future... (srughs) What do you want?
-Jihyo: We need your help Irene... (smiles) You have to bring this boy some time back...
-Irene: Why would I do that?
-Jihyo: He's our savior, he was Jannick... And he needs to talk with his other life... That's why he needs to go back in time...
-Irene: Why does he need to talk with Jannick?
-Jihyo: Because Jannick knows what to do to solve this problem... (smiles) There's a traitor between us... And devil could take control over him... It's up to you wether you'll help or not...
-Irene: Fine... I'll help, but just if God allows me to live on Earth instead of here...
-Jihyo: Deal, bring him back to Jannick's era... If it's possible, to when he was in love with me... Just a bit before the final fight... (smiles embarrassed)
-Irene: I see... Love stuff, huh? Cupid would do a better work (smiles) Anyway, you, boy... Come here...
-Jangkook: Yeah... (approaches her)
-Irene: Put your hand in my shoulder and don't think about anything, maintain your mind in blank...
-Jangkook: Okay... (puts your hand on her shoulder)
-Jihyo: I'll wait for you to come back, Jangkook (smiles)
-Jangkook: Yeah, see you later (smiles)

With that, I travel to Jannick's era... I'll meet this problem with my other me...

A FIGHT FOR LOVE 2- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now