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After some hours inside that van joking and having fun with Jennie and her group, we finally arrived to the Seoraksan Park...

Is it wrong to say that I'm kinda excited about this? I mean, I know that I should be at school right now, but skipping it like this is fun...

-Jin: Well, we all arrived, you can get out of my van now... (jokes)
-Jisoo: Who says is yours?!
-Jin: I paid more for it... (smiles)
-Tae: We all paid a bit for it... (glares at him)
-Jangkook: Where are the tents to camp? (smiles)
-Jennie: Oh, yeah... Uh... I forgot to tell you, it's not camping at all (smiles)
-Jangkook: Huh? (confused)

 I forgot to tell you, it's not camping at all (smiles)-Jangkook: Huh? (confused)

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-Rosé: Jim's family is rich, and they have a bungalow here where we'll stay... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Really?! (surprised)
-Jisoo: Yeah, but it's not for that much, since he grew as a spoiled kid...
-Jin: Jeez...
-Lisa: And yeah, still, they are together... (smiles) Incredible how they attract each other, right?
-Jangkook: Well, I think it's the same as Tae and you... (jokes)
-Lisa: Huh?! (pouts) Well, it's true... We are still two kids...
-Jennie: We are the best couple, right? (back hugs you)
-Jangkook: We are not even a couple yet, Jennie... (smiles) For me, the winners are Rosé and Jimin...
-Jimin: Yay! Have your heard it, babe? We are the best couple! (hugs Rosé)
-Jin: Stop being ridiculous, and let's head to the bungalow... (rolls his eyes)
-Jangkook: (laughs)
-Jennie: At least you said "yet", I think you are starting to look at me as a woman... (smirks and walks past you)

I keep staring her, and realize that she's so damn right... I said "we are not a couple yet"... Why did I say so?! I don't know her too much... Maybe from two days?

How can I go this fast, not even Jihyo rushes that much! Wait... Jihyo... She's probably now at class... Maybe she's worried about me... I think I can send her a message... Or call her...

-Jin: This is the bungalow, let's distribute the rooms... (smiles)
-Tae: The first who arrives, gets the room! (starts running)
-Lisa: That's not fair! (starts chasing him)
-Jisoo: Do they even know that they are sleeping together? (laughs)
-Jangkook: Wait, together?
-Jimin: Each one with his girl (smirks) let's go Rosie... (grabs her hand and leaves)
-Jin: You can go with Jennie and choose a room too (smiles)

 (grabs her hand and leaves) -Jin: You can go with Jennie and choose a room too (smiles)

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A FIGHT FOR LOVE 2- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now