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I open my eyes slowly... What happened? I look around and I don't recognize a thing... Where am I? I then get out of bed and notice a yummy smell... Is someone cooking?

-Jihyo: Oh, you are awake! Are you hungry (smiles) I'm preparing something delicious

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-Jihyo: Oh, you are awake! Are you hungry (smiles) I'm preparing something delicious...
-Jangkook: Where am I? Why aren't we at school? And why did I sleep--wait, you didn't answer-
-Jihyo: Eat first, we'll talk later... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Why are you like this? (pissed starts eating) Oh my... This is delicious!
-Jihyo: I knew you would like it, I mean, you always did... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Jannick liked it?
-Jihyo: Jannick... (smiles) Yeah, he liked it...
-Jangkook: I want to know everything... What happens? Who's Jannick, and what's going on with me and my body?
-Jihyo: Just promise me something...
-Jangkook: What is it about?
-Jihyo: Promise me that you won't get mad at me, and that you won't leave me... (looks down)
-Jangkook: That's a hard promise Jihyo, and more because I don't know what to expect...
-Jihyo: Promise me that you won't hate me...
-Jangkook: I won't hate you...
-Jihyo: Fine... (takes a deep breath) Everything started when your true father, Lucifer-
-Jangkook: (chockes) Have I heard correctly?!
-Jihyo: Yeah, you, I mean, Jannick, he was Lucifer's son... He was known as the Hell's Prince... (smiles) One day, he and his group of friends were sent to the Earth, with the mission of destroying everything so his father could take control of the Earth...
-Jangkook: What happened next?
-Jihyo: I was sent to the Earth in order to stop that... But both of us, Jannick and me needed to act as humans... So I rent a flat, and who was my roommate? (smiles) Exactly, Jannick...
-Jangkook: Continue, please...
-Jihyo: Jannick was a complete idiot, he was so arrogant, and he was so determined to accomplish his mission... But something unexpected happened, we both fell in love... And slowly, he started changing and became the nicer boy ever... (smiles)
-Jangkook: I see... Jannick and you ended up together...
-Jihyo: The story didn't finish yet, he was always with a group of four girls-
-Jangkook: Don't tell me, Jennie, Rosé, Lisa and Jisoo...
-Jihyo: Exactly, they were supposed to be Jannick's lovers, but as always, he had a favorite one... Jennie...

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-Jihyo: This was him before... (shows the pic)
-Jangkook: He looks scary...
-Jihyo: Yeah, but he wasn't just the Hell's Prince... He was betrayed and lied, he was also a Goddess' son... You know Atenea? (smiles)
-Jangkook: Jannick was her son too?!
-Jihyo: Yeah, unfortunately, his father took advantage of her and forced her... Jannick was raised between hate, revenge, and violence...
-Jangkook: I feel bad for him...
-Jihyo: He had me... (smiles) And thanks to that, he decided to change side, and be part of heaven... He wasn't just a demon, he was also a semi-god... So he was a kind of angel with grey wings and really strong...
-Jangkook: Jannick was so cool! (surprised)
-Jihyo: And not only that, he fought against Lucifer, and then...
-Jangkook: And then? (smiles curious)
-Jihyo: (almost crying) Then... He died, he died with the rest of demons... All to save the rest of us...
-Jangkook: I didn't know there was such a sad ending... (looks down)
-Jihyo: That's not the end... We haven't arrived to the present... (smiles)
-Jangkook: The present?
-Jihyo: I was really sad and depressed... I didn't want to live anymore, and when I thought that there wasn't any hope, God found a solution... (smiles) He sent Atenea to hell and take your soul...
-Jangkook: You took my soul once I died? (shocked)
-Jihyo: Yeah, and God used it to created a human, and that took him around three months, which is equal to 3000 years here... I waited and waited, until one day, a day called Jeon Jangkook arrived to my school... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Wait, wait, wait... I'm Jannick? (confused)
-Jihyo: You are... (smiles)
-Jangkook: I've been created as a human, but why am I an angel and a demon now?
-Jihyo: I gave you a drink to transform you... And Jennie, she transformed you into a demon... (sighs) That's the problem here, my plan was to make you fall for me, and once we were back together, we would have a peaceful life at heaven... (smiles) But Jennie somehow is alive with some other demons, and she's trying to take control over you...
-Jangkook: I-I... I don't know what to say... My parents are not my real parents... It's all crated and designed for God... And I'm Jannick, now half demon and half angel...
-Jihyo: Yeah...
-Jangkook: You said that all the demons died, but Jennie and the rest are alive?
-Jihyo: That's the problem Jangkook... There's a traitor at heaven who brought them back to live... (looks down)
-Jangkook: That's terrible, Jannick's, I mean, my death wouldn't have been worth it! (panics)
-Jihyo: That's a way to put it...
-Jangkook: But Jennie, she didn't look like a really bad girl... (sighs) What am I supposed to do now?

 (sighs) What am I supposed to do now?

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-Jihyo: Now... (looks down) You just need to choose whether you want angel or devil...
-Jangkook: If could have Jannick's memory... I would know what he thinks... But I thinks it's impossible to go back on time...
-Jihyo: Yeah, going back on time is- Wait! (smiles) You are such a genie... We just need to go back on time, and you'll be able to talk with Jannick... (smiles)
-Jangkook: I'll ask him what to do, and how to act in order to solve this... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Yeah, good plan... But to do that, we need to visit the time's God...
-Jangkook: You mean...
-Jihyo: I mean that you are coming with me to heaven, and we'll visit Chronos... (smiles)
-Jangkook: How do we go to heaven?
-Jihyo: With our wings (smiles) Let's go to the rooftop... There's a friend here...
-Jangkook: A friend? (confused)
-Jihyo: Baekhyun, Cupid's son... (blushes) He was supposed to help me making you fall for me... (giggles)
-Jangkook: (smirks) Cheater...
-Jihyo: Anyways, open your wings, and jump... Then just feel that you are going up, and eventually you'll fly to heaven... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Okay, here I go...

I open my wings, and follow what Jihyo said... To be honest, I'm so scared... This is like fake, but it's actually real... I'm heading to heaven...

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A FIGHT FOR LOVE 2- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now