Part 1: The Case that started this.

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3rd Pov/No one

it was around midnight Aizawa was invited more like forced to hang out with his so called friends Nemuri Kayama, and Hizashi Yamada. they decided to go out for dinner and talk about this case that all 3 of them where assigned.

The case involed children getting kidnapped, they have been on this case for now 2 months. Its was driving Aizawa insane he would get 2 step closer not knowing he was actually not moving at all.

Aizawa POV.

this is annoying the only reason i agreed to join for tonight is so that i can talk about the case and plus Nemuri was paying, i can't stop thinking about what those villiains are doing to those kids, once i find them ill will stop them.

"Aizawa..... you ok ?" said Nemuri shinking Aizawa's arm.

i snap out of my thougts.

"yeah just tired...." i said with my basic monotone voice.

"WHEN ARE YOU NOT SHOTA!" said Hazashi will rolling his head back laughting.

"can you shut it we are in a restaurant" i growled at him.

i were about to leave till my phone started to wrang, i took out of my pocktet and looked at the name of the contact it was detective Naomasa.

i picked up the call.

"What is it Nao."i said to him threw the phone.

"Eraser we've got a kid he says he escaped the lair and he knows where it is!" the detective yelled threw the phone.

"Alright im on my way with Mic and Midnight" i said then hung up.

i looked at Hazashi and Nemuri, while looked at me concerned.

"We need to go we found the lair". i said before paying quickly and running out the door.

Fast forward till they change into there outfits.

3rd POV.

the 3 heroes arrived at the police station and started to walk towards the interocation room before, the detective came out of the room.

"Ah its ok the kid told us everything meet me in my office." said the detective.

the 3 heroes walked towards the office closing the door behind them.

"Listen this is way more seriouse then we thougt...."said the detective while grabbing a cigarette from is pockets.

"How serious? what are they doing to those kids!" said Nemuri in a worried tone.

the detective took a deep breath.

"from what the kid told us those Villians are torturing them, or doing experiments on them......" said the detective in a low tone.

the 3 heroes eyes were wide open.

"what sort of experiments...." said Aizawa in a low tone but in a shocked face.

"what the kid say there taking there quicks. but that's not the worse part....." the detective said smoking his cigar out the window.

the 3 heroes looked at the back of the detective.

"There..... there killing the kids that show emotion....the kid said that he saw something chained up and the kids how have been bad or experimented on they got into that cage...... the kid then was to afraid to say anything and nearly had a panic attack...." said the detective.

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