Chapter 12 - The start of the Downfall!

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Early in morning..

"Khushi go and get me some juice.. I'm feeling thirsty!" Mami ordered with arrogance filled on her face.

"Isn't your daughter in law fulfilling her duties efficiently these days that you need this middle class girl to do this work for you?" Khushi asked sarcastically while placing Avish and Aashi's tiffin on their bags.

"Hello hi bye bye.. What's wrong with you? Why are you showingwa so much attitude to us ahn? Don't forget you and your babies are living in our mansion, it's not the other way around! Don't thinkwa too much high of yourself jusht because you have few sweet shops.. They are nothingwa in comparison to my Akash bitwa's AR company!" Mami stood up from the couch and shouted to Khushi fuming in anger.

"Mami why are you talking like this?" Anjali too stood up from the couch shocked to hear such words from Mami.

"Manorama be in your limits.. How can you shout to Khushi bitiya like this? And what nonsense are you talking about? This house belongs to Arnav bitwa, and Khushi bitiya is his wife.. so she too has rights over this house.." Nani said staring at Mami in disbelief.

"Khushi is not Arnav bitwa's wife! They are not even married.. She is just a gold diggerwa.. can't you all see how cunningly this woman is? She used NK bitwa when Arnav bitwa wasn't here.. NK bitwa helped her with the babies, helped her to grow successfully in her career and helped her to open those three sweet shops she had now, helped her to take care of the babies.. And now Arnav bitwa came back, she is runningwa behind Arnav bitwa now.. because she knows very well that Arnav bitwa is richer than NK bitwa.." Mami shouted on top of her voice.

"ENOUGH.." Arnav shouted angrily.

Arshi stopped to look at each other for while. Arnav was descending the stairs when he heard Mami uttering nonsense about Khushi, he lost his cool immediately and marched towards them.

"Arnav bitwa.." Mami stammered with a fake smile, "I was just.. teasing her.. I was acting only.. No serious!"

"You've no rights to point your finger at Khushi's character.." Arnav gritted his teeth, "You never change, right.. Always taunting Khushi like in past.. I always let it go but now I won't keep quiet.. You're crossing your limits now Mami.. I need peace in this house and with your presence, I'll never get it.. So just leave from here! Enough is enough now!"

"What??" Mami widened her eyes in shock, "Are you throwing me out of here? How can you do this to me Arnav bitwa?"

Payal and Akash came downstairs with Ayaan in Payal's arms.

Mami rushed to Akash and Payal crying, "Akash bitwa.. just see what is your brother doing with your mother.. He is asking me to leave this house.."

Akash looked shocked at Arnav.

"Why are you staring at me Akash? Your mother said you're owner of AR.. so you can easily buy another mansion for her, right?" Arnav smirked evilly.

"Bhai please don't do this.." Akash pleaded.

"Haan Arnav ji.. Where will Ma ji go?" Payal cried.

Mama kept silent because he knew no matter how much he loved his family they were the one who made Arnav's family (Khushi and kids) suffer. Anyone in Arnav's place would want to take revenge and that's what he is doing.

"Why Payal? Will you let your mother in law leave alone? Won't you accompany her also?" Arnav asked resting his hands in his pockets.

Payal widened her eyes and looked at Akash, she couldn't leave this house, this luxury and the comfort lifestyle. She needed it, Akash needed it and her son needed it the most. She wants her son to be brought up like an high class people, not middle class like she was.

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