Chapter 16 - Jealous!

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At XYZ school..

Avish and Aashi were having their lunch with their friends. Aashi looked at her brother and patted his shoulder, giggling in excitement.

Avish looked at her, raising his one eyebrow: What?

"I'm so excited to go to Papa's penhouse today and play with him.." she giggled cutely while chewing her food.

"Yes.. you'll play with many pen on his house, right?" he teased.

She looked at him confused, "Why will I play with pen in his house?"

"Because you said its penhouse," he chuckled.

"Papa only said this," Aashi pouted, still confused why is her brother laughing at her.

"Papa said Penthouse, not Pen house" Avish giggled.

Aashi glared at him, "So what? You knew what I meant to say and you're making fun of me. I will complain to Amma about you now."

"Go on.. I'm not scared," he shrugged.

Aashi pouted, "I will complain to Papa too."

"See how much childish you're. I was just joking with you and you are taking it too seriously," Avish gulped, but didn't let it reflect on his face that he was a bit scared of his father.

"Oh ho someone is scared of Papa.. Avish is scared of Papa.. Avish is scared of Papa.." Aashi chanted laughing at him.

"Shut up Aashi.. I'm not scared of Papa," Avish furrowed his brows.

Aashi covered her lips with her palms, trying to control herself from laughing again at his face.



"Akash sir what are you doing here?" one of security guards asked with a confused look, seeing him standing at the entrance of AR.

"Woh.. I'm your supervisor today. Bhai asked me to supervise your team work, so I'll have to be here all day watching over you guys," Akash said avoiding eye contact with the guard embarrassed.

"But sir you can watch us through the CCTV as well. You don't need to keep standing here all day," the guard said.

"Just shut-"

Akash was abruptly interrupted by Arnav's voice and presence, who still now have the power to attract people's attention towards him, "That's because he's no supervisor of yours at all. One of guards is sick and he took a leave, so as my brother claims to be an expert and efficient at handling this company, I asked him to be a security guard for one day in that employee's place. We have seen how well you're at designing and business administration, but it's not enough, it's important to safeguard the company and its assets as well. Right Akash?"

The security guard as well as other employees who overheard the conversation were shocked to know that Akash is going to be a security guard for one day in AR. They hurriedly left to spread the news all over the office.

"Right bhai," Akash forced a smile on his face, then looked down again unable to keep eye contact with anyone as he was feeling embarrassed and humiliated today. Now he knows how much Khushi would have felt humiliated when he mocked her and asked her clean the washrooms to get money from him in front of everyone in the office.

"Good. Don't let this day go in waste Akash. Learn something from the security guards here." Arnav smirked and approached him, whispering on his ear with a dangerous husky tone, "As you'll some skills to save yourself from me now."

SS: Jalebi! - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now