Chapter 31

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I got up from my state and headed back up the stairs, packing my bags. I'm going to stay at Katie's for a while to come back stronger I need a good mindset, someplace to grow, to fight back and come back stronger. 

I dialed up james, "hello james?, I need to see you, now",

He arrived in 10 minutes, make my way outside, closing the door. "See you soon mom", I whispered, before turning back and walking towards the parked car.

I get in and closed the door, "honey, whats wrong?", he questions. 

"I read mom's letter", I said stern.

"About time", he says with a assuring smirk, "come, lets go home, sophie has been dying to see you.", he says, then takes off, I watch my house slowly moving away from sight. I will come back, I promise.

Sophie,  james wife, my aunt, she has always considered me as her own. I can't wait to see her, hug her, cry with her.

We arrived at their place and jolted out of the car and ran into sophies arms, "oh my baby, I've missed you so much", she says in the tight embrace. "I missed you too".

"Now, come, we have no time to spare, we have to get you ready to send you to paris", she says, gathering all my things and what seems to be some papers in a file.

"Actually aunt, I'm not going", I mumbled, unsure of myself.

She stopped dead in her tracks and then turned to me. "Honey, why are you saying like this", she asks cupping my cheek.

"I don't know,  I just want to be strong", I sigh.

"Then you leave, you leave this place and come back strong, you here me?", she says.

I nod.

She hands me a file which caught my attention before. "These are your mother's preparations, we were told to wait for your signal".

I open and im at awe for what my mother prepared for me, a penthouse in paris with a car at my disposal and full feldge scholarship to business at a french college. My finances are all covered up with a big bank account balance over a billion.
And at the end of the file it's written, I'm sure you'll know what to do next, love mom.

Knowing I'll be gone, for who knows how long, I sent a message to damon.
Hey babe,
I know it hasn't been so long but I've always wanted you to know that, you are my sunshine to the gloomiest days.
Thankyou for being my pillar, thankyou for sharing with me your kind words and Thankyou being a part of my life.
I love you so much damon.

My mind set on what I have to do, I agree with sophie and james and listen to their advices saying to be careful arround men and the world.

Like heck I have to be careful arround my family given the world to go to hell.

Its night 11.30pm and I'm at the airport, waiting for my ticket to be checked. "I will miss you my love", says sophie while engulfing me into a hug. Followed by james who hugged me and withdrew with tears in his eyes." You come back and show em who's boss, you hear me", he says. I nod in determination. 

Tears brimming upto my eyes, I waved them goodbye.

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