There's Only One Way Down This Road

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Alex P.O.V

I couldn't finish with Lisa right now, she was so incredibly annoyed at me for forgetting her moms birthday, which may I add was an crap night with no laughing. But either way she was always upset and I couldn't add to it. The fact Jasey wanted me to pick made it worse, I obviously chose Jasey, but dumping Lisa right now wasn't the right thing to do. Why did she have to be so much like Jack?

I went to order another coffee from the starbucks.

"Late night dude?" The spotty 18 year old teenager asked me.

"You have no idea. Girls can be so complicated." I replied, maybe this guy could tell me what to do?

"I know, my girlfriend, if I even talk to a girl she freaks out and thinks im going to sleep with them. Was that your girlfriend? She was pretty hot, dont think I'm going to try on her, but she seemed nice enough too. I won't try on her though, I know who you are and I know your friend could kill me with his bear hands!"

"Oh god I couldnt cope. She's not my girlfriend, its pretty cliche to be honest. I have a girlfriend but Im thinking of dumping her tonight for the girl I'm with. And if you hit on her I'll kill you with my bear hands!"

The guy seemed niced enough, and he was right, Jasey was beautiful and amazing. I know he never said that but hey the guy didn't know her. But Lisa, she's Lisa, my high school girlfriend.

I looked out the window and saw Lisa's car pulling up into the spot next to Jack's car, for a second she looked slightly confused but walked on anyway.

I took my coffee and sat down on the green leather couch with the black pillows. I sat the unusually large coffee mug on the wood table and laid back. Lisa walked in and scanned the room, I waved and caught her eye. She walked over with a gigantic smile on her face. She looked so happy and I was going to ruin it.

Lisa leaned in to kiss me, I didn't know what to do. Thousands of thoughts rushed through my head, Jasey, if I should kiss her, if I shouldn't kiss her. She got closer, I had to decide. I threw my head to the side, my brown fringe falling over my eyes. She instantly knew there was a problem, I couldn't see the glint in her eye, one of the many things that made me fall in love with her. That glint hadn't been there for a long time though. Ever since arguing became a regular occurance it started to fade. Arguing, always bloody arguing, over the smallest of things, what we'd eat that night, who's house we'd sleep at, why the toothpaste wasn't in the usual place in the bathroom. The stupidest of things. Now came the hard part. Tell her the truth, that I cheated on her with my best friends sister, or lie. Say I couldn't deal with the arguing, it's becoming too much, that its affecting us around friends. Although telling the truth was the right thing to do, I just don't have the guts to do that to her.

"Lisa, you might want to sit down for this.." I mumbled, an instant look of worriedness was cast over her face, it seemed like she knew what was happening.

"Alex, it's fine, I get it, we've been arguing too much, I knew this was coming, I just didn't have the guts to man up and do it. Its best for the both of us. Friends?" She said, although her words and body language seemed calm, there was a sense of anger, flicking off the end of every word. I shouldn't of broken up with her, but she was right, it was for the best? And I'd rather save what little of a friendship I could with her now while I still could. 

"Wow, Lisa, I didn't expect you to be so cool about this, to be honest I expected to be hated and a few te-" Shut up you idiot don't tell her you thought she was going to cry otherwise she will. Her eyes seemed to develop a layer of glass liquid, becoming shiny, i really stuck my foot in it. She was going to cry.

"Lex, I think I should just, yea." She whispered, her voice cracking, but before I could say anything she'd lifted her bag and left, that was it, Lisa and I were over, Jasey and I were about to begin. And with that a huge grin spread over my face, I felt like I resembled a chesire cat. I lifted the unusually large coffee mug to acne prone 17 year old. It was like my grin was infectious, as soon as he saw me he imitated my smile. He took the mug and the $5 I left him, I didn't care if it was a large tip, I was too happy to give a toss.

The first thing I thought of was to run to Jasey, embrace her, all I'd been longing to do for a long time. But I figured the safest thing to do was to text Jack, tell him I'd finished with Lisa, and that I wasn't going to hurt Jasey. I whipped my phone out the skinniest skinnies according to Pac Sun, typed in the entry code and pressed the message button. There was several for Jack, most going along the lines of If you and Jasey don't get your fucking arses back here now I'll kick them to the fucking moon and back! and Alex you know you can't deal with Jasey right now even if you do finish with Lisa! You can't even look after yourself never mind her! He was right, so stupidly right. I was a mess, I was stressed with a new album, sorting out Rian and I's flat, and I couldn't possibly deal with Jasey and her problems on top of that. But no matter how right Jack was I needed to try this with her, I'm positive she's the one for me, no matter what. 

I quickly pressed in the letters to form a sentence saying Finished with Lisa, I won't hurt Jasey, even if my life depended on it. 

I needed to see her, so I ran up the metal stairs, they were slowly breaking under my step. I scanned the old, red, battered doors for the 2, followed by the C.

There, the C hanging at an slight angle. This was it, the night everything would change. I chapped on the door 3 times and waited. I heard the lock on the other side open, and the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen standing behind it. Her eyes glistened, like the sun hitting off the ocean, her hair sitting, messy, but still ever so perfect. Her hands, the dainty little fingers, the way they hugged the door. I just wanted her in my arms, her petite body, that her clothes clung to, but still hung. If you had it my way, if you looked up perfect in the dictionary, you'd find the words Jasey-Rae Barakat

"Its over with Lisa, can it start with you now?" I questioned, even though I knew the answer. A smile, the cheekiest smile i'd ever seen covered her face, it light up like a christmas tree, her eyes shining. She was mesmorising. Her head gave one slow nod and came closer to mines. I could smell her minty breath, falling on my skin. I grabbed her neck and kissed her. Life was perfect to me now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2012 ⏰

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