Two Kids, No Consequences

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"I messed up with Alex big time too, and I miss him so much."



I must be dreaming.

Without even thinking I loosened my grip round her perfectly curved warm body and stepped back and leaned on the kitchen worktop. She didn't know it was me hugging her. She thought it was Jack, or Rian, or Zack, but definitely not me. She spun round, her long hair landing perfectly on her back before my suspicions were confirmed. She definitely didn't know  it was me.

Silence. I just stared into those sky blue eyes that belonged to the girl I've been in love with since I met her. Awkwardness, tension and lust, mainly from me. Her eyes were still red. I wanted to grab her and hug her again, I hated her feeling sad, crying just killed me. One of us should say something. She doesn't even know that I still like her, no, want her, no all these words were horrible and sounded obsessive, I need her. Friend, Girlfriend, Wife, but no matter what, she couldn't be a stranger to me. 

The whole Barakat household fell silent. Well, it felt that way. The only thing I could focus on was this girl standing in front of me, and she's felt the same way about me as I have about her and I haven't even realised. I've been to caught up in my own world with the new album, tour and almost everything else. 

"Alex, I can expl--" I interrupted, I couldn't let this moment get away. I pulled her in and kissed her. The kiss wasn't a peck, it was a passionate kiss, full of emotion and love. 

"Aah, my friend Alex and my sister Jasey, I did not know that you two had acted unusually weird around each other until I discovered this" Jack said, trying a Sherlock Holmes accent while waving a black book in the air. We quickly pulled apart. Well she more pushed me away, I hadn't quite figured out if she kissed me back yet.

"Ah shit, how'd you find it?!" Jasey gasped, jumping for the book before Jack could open it. The book was small and worn out, like it'd been taken everywhere and written in constantly, it almost looked like a.. No. Shes 19, she won't have a diary.

"Oh, heres this entry, the pen ink smells new like it had been written in not so long ago.

Dear Diary, 

I hate how Jack always pulls Alex away;

Why do you write about me in your diary?

I just want to speak to him. He makes me feel safer and happier. I want to try and make him think of me as a girl who he’d like, not just Jacks sister. The girl who’s perfect, the girl who wants to be with.

Gosh, I like Alex so much just talking to him gives me butterflies,

Blah blah blah,

But if it’s meant to be, I’ll find a way. 

Now from the past action I just caught the two of you doing I'm guessing you still like each other? Unless one of you is secretly trying to rape the other, hmm?"

Jasey stared at him before muttering a few words and running out the room with the diary.

I stared at him too and he realised what he done. But he was pissed at me too, I was kissing his sister! He was only 9 months older though, irish twins I think they're called. But they looked nothing alike, only their eyes matched. Jasey used to have browny black hair like Jack till she dyed it blonde. Jasey looked more like their mum, where as Jack just looked adopted. Although they looked different you could tell by their personalities they were related. Jack played guitar and Jasey sang and wrote songs. Jack was hyper and bubbly, Jasey almost identical, she just knew when to calm down. But one difference was that Jasey had common sense, unlike Jack, but Jack could stop drinking. If Jasey had 1 drink, she wouldn't stop drinking until the night was over and the bar tender refused to give her anymore.

I ran up the stairs after Jasey, wanting to console her and ask how long she'd felt like this. I went up the stairs two at a time before finally getting to her door. I lightly knock and walked in. She wasn't there. I searched the room before coming to the window, wide open. I sighed and walked over, she'd be sitting on the roof, like always when she was upset, mad, embarrassed or annoyed she'd sit out here and stare at the sky.

"Well hello there ma'am" I said while clambering out the window to sit next to her.

"You hate me and you're scared and you regret kissing me and yo--"

"I don't hate you, what you wrote was cute, Jack is always taking me away, and if kissing you back there if a mistake, well, it's the best mistake I've ever made" I chuckled before smiling in her direction. Nothing, she was annoyed, silence was best, giving her time to think.

After about 10 minutes of silence I got bored and decided to ask everything that was on my mind.

"Jasey, how long have you felt like that?" I managed to choke out.

"Look, you have questions, I have questions and I'm not in the mood to speak, write them down, text me them, give me time to think about them," She snapped, she never was much of a speaker when she was annoyed, she did prefer to write things down. "Just leave me alone for a while please and I'll text you the questions."

I nodded and climbed to the window. I looked back one time to see the girl, angel looking at me. 

I ran down to the basement to say bye to the guys, and quickly tell Jack where Jasey is and sorry that I had to leave.

I grabbed my GK hoodie and ran to my car. I hoped in before writing down several questions I wanted to know the answer to. As I was in the middle of writing the 3rd, my phone started going, I thought it was Jack, probably saying I'd left something, like usual. So without looking I quickly answer the phone.

"What now then?!" I snapped into the phone, I was busy and didn't need to be interruped.

"Where the hell have you been Alexander William Gaskarth?! We were meant to be going out for dinner a hour ago! Its my mums birthday remember?!"




Hey, comments are appreciated! I don't normally put authors notes at the end but I'd really appreciate it if this got more reads?! There's loads on the first chapter but as they go on it kind of lowers and its sad cause I put a lot of effort in:(

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