Pull The Trigger Without Thinking

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Jasey's P.O.V.

It had been 2 long weeks since I'd seen Alex, each day a long, tiring drag. They'd moved band practice to Rian's, Jack said it was because it was easier for the drums, but I have a feeling Alex didn't want to see me.

I missed him, it was like a pet had died, I wasn't used to not seeing him. I hadn't had his hug since he found out. I hadn't heard his voice properly. Whenever I heard Jack on the phone, I'd ask who and he'd say Zach or Rian, and as soon as I'd left I heard him saying 'No, your not getting to speak to her, remember Lisa!' Jack had never lied to me before. He had when we were kids, but every brother and sister did. He never hurt me when he lied before though.

One night, Jack went to go to Rian's. I'd planned to search his room.

I yelled goodbye and to stop at the store and get me Coke so he'd be extra long. As soon as I heard his car start up I ran though to his room. I made sure I knew where everything belonged before I hit the jackpot. He'd left his phone.

I put the phone in my pocket before looking for any other evidence that Alex could of been here. There was nothing, but I took his 'American Pie' box set. Once I'd left the room and gone into mines, I heard a car pulling up in the drive. I ran to the window and saw it was Jack's car. SHIT. I quickly unlocked his phone and went to messages. Alex's messages showed and I quickly scanned them before I froze.

"Jack, I like Jasey a lot. I don't see why you're not happy about this? I'm not going to hurt her. I just need to break up with Lisa, but not just now."

He liked me. A lot. But he was still with Lisa. She's going to be so hurt when she finds out, if she ever does.


Shit, Jacks at the door. He must of realized he forgot his keys and phone or something. I quickly threw his phone back on his bed and sprinted to get the door.

"Jack, you really need to start remembering your keys!" I yelled as I was jumping down the stairs, 2 at a time.

The doorbell kept ringing, I sighed, didn't he hear me? I unlocked the door and opened it.

It wasn't Jack. I couldn't see who it was, they had a big jumper on with their hands in their pockets, baggy jeans and you couldn't see their face clearly.

"Who's this? Do I know you?" I asked.

"I missed you." The stranger whispered, it was a deep voice, I couldn't make out who though. For a split second, I thought it was Chris but as the tall stranger stepped into the light I couldn't be happier.

Alex, the person I hadn't seen for 2 weeks, but it felt like eternity.

"I need to speak to you, but Jack knows I have his car, so quick get your shoes and a hoodie and I'll leave a note."

Before I could oppose he'd ran through to the lounge. I quickly took Jacks hoodie, it was too big, but it was warm and I always felt safe in it, my phone, some money and threw on my Vans.

"Quick, car!" Alex yelled to me.

As we were putting on our seatbelts I saw Rian's van coming round the corner. Shit.

"Alex, drive! Quick! I'll call someone and tell them not to follow us."

I dialed Zach's number as fast as I could, he'd understand. After a few rings he picked up.

"Zach, please don't follow us, I really need to speak to Alex, and tell Jack I saw his phone and that I'm really pissed off at him." I confidently said into the phone.

"Yeah, Jasey, I understand, but are you sure you know what your doing? You do know he hasn't broke up with Lisa yet?" Zach was always calm about this stuff, it made me feel a lot better but the fact I could hear Jack cursing and swearing about Alex and me being stupid made me a little pissed off.

"Yeah, I know, but I'm going to speak to him about that, just tell Jack to calm down."

He agreed and said good luck before disconnecting the call. I looked at Alex and as he was about to speak, I told him to drive around for a bit, so I could think about what I actually wanted to say to him. I put the radio on and Katy Perry-'Circle The Drain' was on. I wrapped the hoodie around me and tapped on the window along with the song.

After half a hour of driving around we came to a petrol garage with a Starbucks. We went inside and ordered our drinks, the usual, for me a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, and for Alex, a plain black coffee.

We sat down in the leather couches before realizing we needed to speak.

"Why wouldn't Jack let me see you? Why haven't you finished with Lisa? Why haven't you called or texted or something!"

"Jasey," Alex said as he grabbed my hand. " Calm down, Jack thought I'd hurt you because I hadn't broke it off with Lisa, but she's really annoyed with me at the moment, so I need to wait till we're ok, or she'll tell and even more people will be annoyed. And I don't know if you've realized, but Jacks been checking your phone for texts and calls from me."

No, I hadn't fucking realized. Jack was going to go through hell when I got home. He had no right to check my phone!

"No I never realized. But that doesn't give you an excuse about Lisa, finish with her or we're finished forever."

"That's not fair Jasey you have to-"

"Me, or her."

Alex pulled out his phone and typed something in.

"Hey, Lisa, we need to talk. Meet me at the petrol garage with the Starbucks just outside of town about a mile up the motorway. See you in 5."

My mouth dropped, he really wanted me. He took some money out his pocket and gave me it, $100

"What am I going to d-"

"Go to that motel just outside and get a room, text me the room number and I'll meet you there as soon as I'm done with Lisa, and get some sweets and drink with the rest."

I nodded and went into the shop part of the garage. I picked up a packet of Skittles and Jelly Babies, a bottle of Diet Coke and Vodka. I paid and it came to about $15.

I walked outside to the 'Late Night Stay Motel' and bought a room, I asked what I could get for $75 and it was the nicest room. Somehow. I ran into the room, checked myself in the mirror and put the TV on, it was repeats of 'House MD' before texting Alex "2C"

After about half a hour there was a quick, hard, knock at the door. I looked in the mirror again making sure I looked good. I opened the door as fast as I could and there he was.

"Its over with Lisa now, can it start with you?"

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