272 Punição
Quando eles entraram na casa, Wang Shuren disse: Você realmente é um homem perigoso, hein:
Su Yang sorriu.
"Isso é tudo o que você veio aqui para dizer?"
"Você ficaria mais feliz se eu dissesse que estava preocupada com você depois de ouvir sobre o que aconteceu aqui?"
"Do que você ouviu falar? Além da saída dos discípulos, quase nada notável aconteceu: '
Wang Shuren ficou em silêncio por um momento antes de perguntar: Esse misterioso especialista que
ajudou a seita Flor Profunda ... você é parente dele? "
"O que te faz pensar isso?"
"Se você tivesse um mentor do Continente Santo Central, faria um pouco de sentido por que você é tão experiente, apesar da tenra idade ... provavelmente: '
"Is that what my Sect Master said? That he's from the Holy Central Continent?"
Although he did not expect his disguise to be affiliated with the Holy Central Continent, he was not surprised that Liu Lanzhi came to such a conclusion.
"Is she wrong?" Wang Shuren raised an eyebrow.
Su Yang shrugged and said, "I wouldn't know, as I have no relationships with him:'
Wang Shuren stared at him with suspicious eyes.
After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke, "Is there anything you'd like to say before I return to my cultivation? The Regional Tournament is only a few months away so I cannot afford to relax."
Su Yang spoke in a tone that was as though he would be suffering during the Regional Tournament if he did not cultivate.
"What? The Profound Blossom Sect will be participating in the Regional Tournament?"
Wang Shuren expressed surprised. "Of course. Why wouldn't we?"
"Does the Profound Blossom Sect even have enough disciples to participate? If I recall correctly, you need at least 10 that qualifies for the event:'
"We do."
Wang Shuren stared at Su Yang for a few moments before asking, And by cultivate, do you mean playing with those young girls out there?"
Her voice sounded somewhat stiff, almost like she disapproved of such methods.
Su Yang smiled and said calmly, The Profound Blossom Sect is simply that sort
of place."
"How shameless..."
"Shouldn't you have known this since we first met? You instantly recognized me as a disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect, after all:'
"Well, that's true... but..."
Wang Shuren became quiet, and after a moment, she asked, "How long... How long does it usually take?"
"How long does what take?" Su Yang pretended to be oblivious to her question.
You know! Cultivation!"
"Hmm? Are you interested?"
Wang Shuren's face noticeably reddened.
"Well, each session differs depending on my partner. That being said, most people here cannot even last half an hour:'
Su Yang shook his head. However, what lacked in quality was filled with quantity. Although his sessions with the disciples are short, there is usually someone already outside and waiting for him.
Are you bragging?" Wang Shuren looked at him with a weird expression.
"I am merely speaking facts. If you want, I can show you:' he said with a smile.
Are you seriously asking me such a thing? If you didn't know, I am still pure
"Really? Even though you are always wearing such enchanting outfits? I did not expect that you'd still be a maiden!"
Su Yang acted surprised, almost like he couldn't believe it.
Are you mocking me?" Wang Shuren frowned. "Just because I want to be appealing to the eyes of others does not mean I am trying to ensnare them!"
"I was merely praising your charm as a woman:'
Su Yang sighed. "Oh... is that so?"
Wang Shuren immediately blushed. She didn't think Su Yang would compliment her
in such a fashion — especially when he is usually nonchalant towards her, almost like he doesn't even see her as a woman; it was an odd feeling for her.
After a moment of silence, Wang Shuren took a deep breath before speaking, "Su Yang, do you recall what you said to me before you left the Burning Lotus Sect?"
Su Yang raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. Did he say something to her? He can't recall for some odd reason.
Wang Shuren tightly gripped both of her hands, and she continued, That you'd punish me if I slacked in my training? Well... to tell you the truth, I have been slacking... very much..."
Su Yang stared at her with wide eyes. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this moment, as he'd never expected this situation.
"Hahahaha!" Su Yang suddenly burst out laughing, as he could no longer contain his laughter.
O rosto de Wang Shuren imediatamente ficou vermelho, assim como suas vestes que se assemelhavam a chamas ardentes. Obviamente, ela treina diligentemente todos os dias e o que ela diz é mentira. No entanto, ela queria usar essa chance para levar o relacionamento deles para outro passo, algo em que ela pensa desde a aparição de Su Yang na Seita dos Lótus Ardentes, e imaginou que isso seria o mais
maneira eficaz de expressar seus desejos atuais.
E, por mais bizarro que o método de Wang Shuren possa parecer, foi definitivamente eficaz para transmitir sua intenção a Su Yang.
"Pare de rir e diga alguma coisa, Su Yang! Vou embora agora, se não o fizer!"
Wang Shuren sentiu vontade de trancar a porta neste momento devido a vergonha.
Su Yang enxugou as lágrimas dos olhos e disse: Você quer que eu a castigue, hein? Muito bem..."
Ele então se levantou e se aproximou dela.
"Que tipo de punição você acha que deveria merecer em tal situação?" ele
"Eu não sei—"
De repente, Su Yang moveu a cabeça para a frente e tocou os lábios de Wang Shuren com os dele, assim que ela abriu a boca para falar.
Depois de lhe dar um beijo gentil, Su Yang deu um passo atrás e falou com um belo sorriso no rosto: "Algo assim?"
Wang Shuren não respondeu mesmo depois de muitos segundos, pois estava completamente atordoada com a ação de Su Yang agora.
"Ou foi uma punição leve demais? Talvez eu deva fazer algo horrível com você - algo que não pode ser revertido. O que você acha?" ele perguntou de novo, seu
mãos gentilmente acariciando seu rosto suave. O corpo de Wang Shuren tremia ao seu toque.
"O que você decidir fazer ... eu mereço ..." Wang Shuren disse depois de engolir com força sua saliva.
Su Yang assentiu e começou a pegar suas vestes.