The ASEAN Family (Introduction)

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Philippines: Hello everyone! My name is Philippines but everyone called me Phil for short. On my left is Malaysia, and on my right is Indonesia. *Cutely smiles*

Malaysia: Eh, Phil, who are you talking to?

Philippines: To the readers of course. UwU

Indonesia: What readers?

Philippines: Those readers. *Points to the readers who saw this book*

Indonesia: Oh my... are we gonna be famous?!

Philippines: Uhh for that... I don't know... so, you guys should introduce yourselves.

Malaysia: Ok... as you know, my name is Malaysia but call me Malay for short. *Smiles*

Indonesia: *Shoves Malaysia aside* Hey guys, I'm Indonesia and you guys can call me Indo! *Smiles*

Malaysia: *Falls down* Ouch, that hurts you know!

Indonesia: Well sorry, I didn't know you were there. *Being sarcastic*

Malay&Indo: *Argue*

Philippines: Kuya, stop arguing! You'll disturb the others! >~<

*Door opens wide*

Singapore: Can you all stop arguing?! I'm working here!

Malay&Indo: Shut up! *Glare to Singapore*

Singapore: Haish... you guys really wanna fight eh? *Comes closer to Malay&Indo*

Philippines: Eh, Kuya Singa, don't fight please. Oh yeah, here, introduce yourself to the readers.

Singapore: Phil, seriously? What are you gonna do with this? It's basically useless.

Philippines: B-but... we'll get a lot of money if this book become popular *Teary eyes*

Singapore: *Money eyes* I'll do it! Ekhem, Greetings, my name is Singapore but everyone calls me Singa. I'm the most developed country and also the richest out of all of them.

Indonesia: Wait, I thought Brunei was richer than you.

Singapore: No, he's in 2nd place while I'm in 1st place!

Malaysia: Just accept the fact you're jealous. *Smirks*

Singapore: *Blushing* I am not jealous! Brunei—

Brunei: Did someone call me?

Singapore: No, and go back to—

Philippines: Wait, don't go! Can you introduce yourself to the readers, please? *Puppy eyes*

Brunei: Uhh... ok, I'll try... hi there, my name is Brunei, I'm also the richest country in the Southeast Asia but Singapore is more developed than me. *Smiles softly*

Malaysia: Who's richer? You or Singa?

Brunei: Well, we both are rich so, I think it makes it a tie?

Indonesia: Oh, my thought was wrong after all...

Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos: *Come to the room because of loud noises*

Vietnam: Geez... what's going on...?

Cambodia: My beauty sleep is ruined because of you guys.

Philippines: Guys, just in time! Introduce yourselves!

Laos: ... what?

Malaysia: Just introduce yourselves. -_-

Vietnam: Ok... I'll go first. Hello, I'm Vietnam, call me Viet, it's nice to meet you.

Cambodia: Yo guys, I'm Cambodia, just call me Cam and nice meeting ya!

Myanmar: Hey y'all's! I'm Myanmar but you can call me Myan. Just don't call me Myancat that's all...

Laos: I'm Laos. Pleasure to meet you.

Philippines: That's all for the ASEAN Fam—

ASEAN: Kids, what are you doing awake at 3 am in the morning?

Indonesia: It's 3 am now? Boi, I think I've read a lot of indomie today...

Philippines: Papa, can you please introduce yourself to the readers?

ASEAN: Readers?

Philippines: Yeah, readers, pretty please... 🙏 🥺

ASEAN: Ok then... Hello, My name is Association of Southeast Asia Nation, you may call me ASEAN for short, and I'm the father of these 10 old mans— I mean kids.

Myanmar: Did I just hear "old mans"?

ASEAN: No, you don't, ok it's bed time, sleep well.

Malaysia: Wait, I'm still playing PUBG! I wanna get Chicken Dinner!

ASEAN: You can play your game later now GO TO BED OR YOU ALL BE GROUNDED!

9 ASEAN except Phil: *Go to their rooms and quickly sleep*

Philippines: Well, that's all, bye guys! *hand waves*

ASEAN: Phil, go to sleep.

Philippines: Ok, Papa! ^^


Well, how was the introduction? This is my first Country Humans book. I hope you like it. Don't take this book seriously cuz this is just for fun.

Welp, that's all, and I'll probably won't update much cuz of exams. See ya on the next chapter!

Next Chapter: MaPhilIndo Vs BeNeLux

The ASEAN Family (Country Humans Randomness) [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now