Untitled Demigod Story Part 10

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Another letter. Only. One. Nothing about her location, but we do know she was attacked, and she's a warrior. She lived, but she's most likely in critical condition. She may be dying at this very moment.

Which is why Chiron has deployed us as soon as we received the note. I drive the car, of course, being the only one of age with a license. Wesley, aged at the young age of 14, sits shotgun, while the little kid of our crew, Jason, about 12, made himself very comfortable in the backseat by laying down and throwing a small worn-down pink ball at the roof of the 2019 Honda Civic hatchback the camp had recently purchased for quests and business. Little Jason had gotten hungry earlier, so we stopped by a Target and blew most of our budget on granola bars and jersey sticks, with the occasional box of Fruity Pebbles. Jason had begged for that little pink ball, and we just had to get it for him. Poor kid never had a Pinky.

Anyway, Illinois proved to be farther than we imagined on a map. Driving is also a lot more tiring than it seems.

Good thing we're in a damn good-looking car.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round..." Jason sings.

"Round and round." Wesley.

"Round and round," Me. I'm met with stares. "What? That song was my jam as a small child."

"Whatever floats your boat, Ozias." Wesley shrugs.

While driving for another two hours, Jason and Wesley are sleeping, and I'm almost going to pass out myself. I've been staying awake off of the Coca-Cola and frozen Dunkin' Donuts we bought at a gas station an hour ago.

But I have a mission.

My mission is to save Alexandria.

Save Alexandria.

Save Alexandria.

Save Alexandria...

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