Chapter 6: The Maiden of Mystery

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Your POV
It's been several days since Sayori asked me that odd and worrisome question, perhaps I may be indeed overthinking things but, the slightest bit of truth in my hunch feels absolutely terrifying.

I looked at my phone earlier this morning and tried texting Sayori to make sure if she was okay, If I were to speak honestly right now, I feel like there's something she's not telling me, she's usually full of cheer and joy but lately she's been some what sadden and distant, I'm no fool but why won't she try to explain what's happening if something is happening at all.

Sayori's been making an effort at being happy whenever she's been around others since several days ago, but it's never been like this, that's just how I know her, that's how she's always truly been since way back, I was envious of her personality from time to time, always so cheerful and bubbly, I couldn't help but smile every time I was with her, I seriously hope everything is all right.

The morning went by before I knew it, and I did not see Sayori anywhere this time, With clases over I made my way to the Literature Club where everyone except Sayori was there, I sat down one of the desks and as soon as I took out my sketchbook, Yuri walked up to me and tried to give me something, whatever it was, she was blushing madly about it, "U-Um, I-I d-d-don't know if you'll like it but I-I think that, u-um" She's stumbling a lot in her sentence, guess that means she probably never did these sorts of things with anybody, "Don't force it if you don't have to, I'll take it" I told her as I took the present off her hands, I ripped out the paper and looked to see it was one strange book, the cover was mostly brown and it felt rather old, not the literal thing but the vibe it gives off, it feels old, decayed, ancient, and not to mention a bit creepy, creepy because of the cover, a triangle with one eye within, it reminds me of something my brother told me about a long while back, something about his hate for Illuminati or as he calls them: 'Exaggerated cultist assfaces who don't care about anything but body counts, cuotas, and the dominance or destruction of the human race' I don't much about all of that but I'd say he is the one who was exaggerating at the time, "It looks odd but interesting, what's it called?" I asked Yuri, "The Portrait of Makrov, I-I think it'll interest you, e-even if you don't read as much", "It looks interesting I said, I think I'll have fun reading it, besides it's actually been a while since I read a book that wasn't Manga", Yuri looked surprised, did I say something odd?, "You used to read literature back then?", "Sorta, I still read more Manga back then but every now and then at the time, I'd pick up a random book of any genre and read it" , "What kind of books did you mostly read?", "I can't recall, probably science and horror stuff mostly but there were other genres and I read nearly all of them" from that point, Yuri and I began to make conversation, she's usually somewhat very shy but she has a rather profound liking for books, once you start talking about books with her, she almost sounds like a professional, makes it hard to believe she's a bit of an anti-socialistic person, yet strangely, the more I talk with her, the more I feel like there's much I actually don't know about her, Yuri is a very reserved person and doesn't talk much, a normal guy with a liking for Literature would want to try seeing what lies deep within the soul of someone as beautiful and thoughtful as her, I guess she is someone you would call a Maiden of Mystery, someone you would want to know yet you somehow can't, "I have something to ask, you weren't just a reader but you're also an artist right?" I kinda jumped when she asked that, which surprised her too, just what obvious clue gave her the idea that I'm some sort of artist?, "W-What makes you say I am?", "Well, you do have a Sketchbook out so I was wondering" Oh, how stupid of me, to leave yet another obvious clue and to overreact like this..., "Y-Yeah, I am one, not really an 'artist' but more of a manga illustrator, an amateur one at that but, you're not entirely wrong" I told her, she seemed curious so I handed her my Sketchbook and she looked impressed, I don't know if I'm right but, there're just Sketches, there's no way there're that impressive or impressive at all.

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