Chapter 3: Dark Secrets

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Hey everyone!, before you read on ahead, I must warn you that this chapter contains abusive content, if it disturbs you (which I'm sure it doesn't but just to be safe) turn back, if not, then I'll see you all at the end of the chapter!!!!

Natsuki's POV
I had touched my face wanting to know why I got all teary, but before I knew it, I had reached my house, I went into the porch and took the spare key left there and opened the door and looked to see that it was still the same as always, dusty and not quite clean, I took off my shoes and walked over to the kitchen to find something to eat, "Hmm, nothing, nothing, aha!" I said as I had been digging the pantry and was able to find some cookies.
I took the cookies, a bottle of water and my school stuff up to my room and worked on my homework soon afterwards, "Nya!, why is science so complicated?!, freaking Westerners and their influence!!"
(No racism intended, it's just part of the story, pls don't take it seriously😅)
Usually, I'd ask Monika to explain it to me or to just outright tell me the answer but it would always be the latter speaking honestly, though she's been telling me lately that I wouldn't learn anything if she kept giving me answers so she won't help.

After an hour of long frustrating assignments, I managed to finish them, at last, "6:00, I've got some time" I grabbed (Y/N)'s Poem out of my book bag and started reading it, though no matter how many times I read this, I just can't find the hidden meaning he left here, it's simple and short but I just can't find what he's trying to convey here if he's even trying to convey something, I realized spent a while looking at it because it's been about an hour, "Maybe I should hit the sack" I told myself as I got up and changed into my sleeping wear and just slept the night out.

Or so I'd hoped, until I forgot about him...

It wasn't even 5 minutes before I heard someone break down the door to my room, it was my dad..., "D-Dad?!, W-Wh-What's going on?" I asked him with fear in my voice. "There's a problem..., I remember leaving some food in the pantry and I came back only to see it was gone, did you take it...?"
'Oh no..., oh god..., it was his?!, he never told me that, he seriously hates it when I take anything that is his but, he already hates me yet why?, why do I still feel so afraid?' I thought to myself as I felt my heart being shrouded in fear as it kept on beating faster, "I-Uh, d-did t-take i-it" As soon as I said that he pulled me by my hair really hard and threw me towards the floor, soon after he kicked me right in my guts, it hurt like hell and I ended up vomiting a little, "*COUGH* *COUGH*, I-I'm *COUGH* S-So-Sorry-" "SORRY DOESN'T FIX ANYTHING LITTLE BITCH!!!" He yelled as he grabbed my hair again and punched me right on my nose "AAUGH!!, *sob, *sob*" It was painful, I could feel nose getting warmer from all the blood, before I could get up, he started kicking me yet again on my stomach which resulted with more blood and vomiting, "BLAGHH!!!, P-plea-se, S-st-o-AHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed at the sudden snap I heard in one of my legs as I came to realize in that instant that he crippled one of them, I tried crawling out of there but he just dragged me back and kept on beating me the shit out of me, before I knew it though, I heard him gargling in pain with his hands over his head, screaming in agony even though he's the one causing pain.

All the bones in his body cracked as he was bending himself backwards very violently, almost as if he was being possessed by something but they cracked and snapped yet again as he stood up like nothing had happened to him, the sound of that was absolutely horrifying, I felt terror everywhere around me and inside of me as he just looked down at me emotionless and stonefaced, "The hell are you doing on the floor, get up this instant slug" he said coldly, I tried to get up but he just grabbed me by my shirt and all I could do was just sob and tremble, completely helpless and fearful, "P-pl-plea-se, s-st-t-top, I-b-be-" I said with what strength I could gather.

But before I could even finish, he simply threw me towards the other end of the room, "Pathetic, weak, incompetent, and hopeless,
How the hell did I end up with a useless brat like you?" Those words hurt far more than any gun in the world could ever, I hate that asshole with my life but, he's right, I'm pathetic, weak and hopeless, I can't even turn to anyone for help, 'No one will come, no one will help...' I thought to myself as I simply cried the night away.
The morning after/ Natsuki's POV
I woke up on the floor feeling pain and sorrow as the memories of last night were gnawing at my mind, I tried to get up the best I could and looked at my broken leg, somewhat twisted and swollen purple, great..., I managed to get changed somehow and make it downstairs, I'll just skip breakfast and get out of here before he goes berserk on me again, I'd rather not deal with this man more than I've already done so, I went out the door and limped my way to school...
Your POV
I couldn't really sleep well this time around, I had one of those unpleasant nightmares that just seemed all too real to be true, I got up and got dressed for school but something felt off, the house felt too quiet, I went downstairs and opened the door to the basement, I got down as quietly as I could and found out why it was all silent, my brother was asleep, like in a deep slumber, guess exhaustion finally caught up to him for the first time in a while, though I'm not one to talk since I feel like hell myself, I get a tea for breakfast and just put something together as my lunch and head out the door.
As I reach the school, I feel I'm forgetting something important, I reach for my phone and try to call Sayori but she's not not answering, it was normal thing for us unless she didn't answer by around the 6th or 7th call, I called her about 8 times and still, no response, "huh, that's a bit worry some but, maybe she's sick, first time in a while that she's left me hanging though..."
School was incredibly dull today and without a doubt it would be so for the rest of the year, I walked all the way to the Literature Club where of course, I saw no sign of Sayori, though more strangely, Natsuki wasn't here either, what in blazes is going on here?
"Oh, (Y/N)!, glad to see you here again" Monika said so with sweetness behind her tone
"It's good to see you too Monika" I replied
"Sayori isn't here today so I thought I could ask you, did anything happen?" She asked, "I tried calling about 8 times but she didn't respond, I left her several messages as well but she hasn't responded any of them"
"I see, well if anything happens, let me know all right?"
"Yeah, I will, by the way, I meant to ask earlier, Natsuki isn't here either, any idea what happened to her?" I quickly realized something was wrong as Monika's expression showed shock and confusion
"You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?, did something happen?"
"Natsuki is in the infirmary here at school, in fact she's been there since she first got here, she came to school beaten and injured and refused to be sent to a hospital, no one could get ahold of her family members so she's stayed there so far" Yuri explained it to me and what I just heard was too shocking all right, just what exactly happened?!, when did it happen?!, is she all right now?!, I wanted to make sure but, is she all right to see visitors?, not a single person has gone to see her.
"You want to see her don't you?" Monika asked me sweetly, somehow I ended up blushing at that fact, "N-No I-it's not what you think!, I just want to know if she's okay!, that's all there is to it..." I sorta whispered at the end, why does she have to do that now, it's absolutely irrelevant right now.
Monika reminded me where the infirmary was and I ran off towards it, hoping to get there and get there I did, I knocked on the door to see if the nurse was inside but, no response, I gently opened the door and looked to see Natsuki but, the way she looked sent a very cold chill down my spine, it was something awful to see, 'Who would do this...?, Who the fuck would do something this awful to her...?!' I thought and
I felt everything getting tense, a very dark feeling took hold of me, this was too much, Monika explained to me what happened but, this is just, cruel..., I was starting to lose my grasp on reality when I noticed Natsuki noticing me and I saw that she was, crying?, it's understandable but still, I couldn't help but feel very worried looking at her like this, it makes me sad and angry at the same time, "Hey, Natsuki"
"W-What the hell do you want?" She said facing away from me and trying to wipe her tears, "How are you feeling?" "Geez, I'm fine thanks for asking!" She said with sarcasm in her tone, though that's not important right now, "I'm being serious Natsuki, are you okay?" I tried asking but she just lashed out, "I said I'm fine!!, why are you so persistent on this?!"
"Because I'm worried about you!, after seeing you like this how could I not be worried?!"
"I don't want your pity!!, just get out!" She yelled out but I really couldn't leave her like this.
"Don't misunderstand my worry for pity!, I heard about you from Monika and Yuri and I just had to come here!"
"Did you?, did you have to come?, you didn't have to you know, rather why did you?!, we've just bearly known each other for two days, you only want to make fun of me don't you?!"
"What on earth led you to think that?!, do you truly think I would come here just for that?!"
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!, I DON'T NEED ANYONE OR ANYTHING!!!!" She screamed out harshly, I couldn't force this further, I'm not going to get anything out of her like this, maybe I should just go..., I got up and walked out towards the door and shut it as soon as I was outside, a part of me wanted to leave but, I felt like I couldn't, what do I do...?
Natsuki's POV
Why did I snap at him like that...?, he was the only one to come see me and yet I turned him down, I guess Monika was right about me, everyone was right about me, even my worthless father was right about me, I'm pathetic and weak, no one will help me, no one will come, I'm hopeless...
I heard the sound of the door opening and by this point, I didn't want to know who it was, at least until I felt a pair of hands touching my own, I looked up to see (Y/N) sitting there right in front of me, "Why..?, why did you come back...?" I asked him softly, after everything I said, I had to know, "I felt, like everything you said before wasn't true, I don't know what happened or what led to all this but, I can't abandon a friend, I can never bring myself to do that" those words surprised me, even after all I told him just earlier, he won't back away?, he won't leave me?, "B-But I said such horrible things to you!, I assumed wrong things about you!!, even after all that, you're still saying that you won't leave me?!, that, I'm...your friend...?"
I felt both shocked and reddened when he put his hand on my head and just started petting me softly.
"Yeah, I consider you a friend, and speaking honestly, you can't chase me away, because I care about you" Those words made me blush, I didn't know he cared, despite knowing me so little he tries to understand, "If you're in need of someone, I don't mind lending you a hand whenever you need one, you don't have to be afraid to speak up with me, I'm a Baka so I'll need you to explain what's wrong so I can help wherever I can" I swear, he's the only one who's said such things and it's, it's just, before I knew it, I was already being overwhelmed with tears, all I ended up doing as a response was to hug him tightly and I felt that same feeling I felt the first time I hugged him, the feelings of safety and warmth, it felt so much stronger since he hugged me back as I just cried myself out in his chest, 'I want to know you, I want to know more about you, (Y/N)...' I thought to myself as he kept on hugging me back ever so softly.

Well, that was quite the chapter, I know it doesn't really look like I did much to it, truth be told, it's just small changes, I don't really want to sacrifice the original essence of how it all began, it was all rushed to begin with, despite the slow process, still, I'm very proud of this story and I'll keep on going, I still love Doki Doki, even after all this time, and that's why I'm gonna make it to the very end, fulfilling the original promise. Thank you all so much for watching the Remastered Chapter 3 and I'll see you all in the next chapter

-The Stardawn

Natsuki x (Y/N): Shadows of the Past {Remastered}Where stories live. Discover now