Chapter 1. Enjoy life while you can

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She had been called many things in her life: Thief, Vagabond, Exile, Outcast. Now she would be called Empress. Or to be more precise; Empress of the Wild.

The people of the village had thrown into the forest, when the animals and creatures of the forest saw the birthmark on her cheek. They knew that she was meant to be their Empress. At first she didn't want to. She wasn't a leader, she was a loner. But what choice did she have? She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then looked at the animals and creatures around her with determination shining in her eyes. "I will lead you all to victory," she began "By the time we reach the final battle we will be the most feared band of rogues. We will be unstoppable and that is a promise!" The cheers that met her was deafening.

Her name was Cassandra O'Carrick and this is the story of her battle for revenge.

She was riding atop a Dire Wolf as they marched towards the village of Amora, the place that her life began. Once the village came into view a feral grin spread across her face. Cassandra turned around to face her followers. "This is where we will first make our mark!" She called. "This is where we will begin our rain of terror!" The creatures and animals smiled evilly.

"What shall we do Empress Wild?" asked a mere-cat.

"Do as you please! But no killing not yet." She answered. "FOR THE WILD!" The chant was repeated through the ranks as animal and creature charged towards the village.

There was screaming from all over the village as Cassandra's followers destroyed houses and crops, growling at people as the did so. Some sprites set a fires and ripped out people's hair. A pair of wendigo chased children and teens around, playfully snapping at their heels.

A shrill whistle rang through the air. Cassandra's followers immediately stopped what they were doing while the villagers looked towards the entrance of the village. And what stood their sent chills running down their backs.Cassandra stood in front of the village in all her glory. Her grey hood pulled up, casting her face in the shadows and her black mouth-mask covering mouth and nose. "Think your selves lucky I don't let my followers finish you off now," She called to the villagers "but I need you alive so I can have someone give my message to the king." The village kept quite. "Tell the king that Empress Wild is watching and waiting for the right time to strike his palace, and when she does all that will be left is the ashes of his so called beautiful kingdom Catarash. That is unless he wishes to make a deal."

"I will give you all five minutes to decide which one of you will go. I suggest you choose wisely, for they may be the only one of you to survive. "

Andros, Cassandra's younger brother didn't join in when the other villagers started arguing over who would go. He stood staring at the person threatening his village. 'she seem familiar' he thought. He turned to his mother and voiced his thoughts. "Mummy?" He said."What is it sweety?""Why is that person familiar?" Andros' mother looked at Cassandra."I don't know sweety ok." She grabbed Andros' hand and led him back to the villagers.

Her followers were quiet as the villagers argued, only growling and snarling when the five minutes were up. Most of the villagers flinched, and several children burst into tears. Cassandra chuckled, "Well, it seems like your time is up. So who is going to be your sacrifice. " amusement coloured her voice, and although they could not see it, there was a cruel twist to her smirk. Andros' eyes widened as he realized who the person threatening them is. And he stepped away from the group, their mother reached for him but he ducked away from her hands. "C-cassandra is that - is that you?" His voice wavered as he questioned her.

Cassandra looked at Andros, her eyes betraying nothing, but inside she knew she didn't want to hurt him so she did the only thing that came to mind. "Join me Andros and you will find out." Andros warily walked towards his (possible) sister. Miala the meer-cat came up to him and grabbed his hand. "Don't be scared little one," she said when he flinched "we won't hurt you."

"Andros, don't. " Their mother said sharply, reaching for him again. A wendigo towered over her, "D-on't tou-ch th-e li-ttle on-e." It snarled at her in broken English. Causing her to shrink back in fear. Andros looked from his mother to Cassandra then to the meer-cat who smiled softly at him, he then looked back at Cassandra with determination shining in his eyes. "Ok, I'll join you. " The animals and creatures gave shouts and snarls of joy, a sprite flew over Andros and dropped a flower crow made of daisy's and bluebells on his head as Miala guided him to Cassandra's side.

Cassandra looked at Andros, pride showing in her eyes. She turned back to the villagers, all with looks of horror on their faces. "Now who is going to give the king my message, or do I have to kill all of you?"

A young girl no older than 14 stepped forward with fear and anger in her eyes. "I will take your message to the king." Cassandra raised an eyebrow, looking the girl up and down. "Oh, is that so?" A man who was well into his 60s grabbed the girls arm and tugged her back into the group. "No! My grandchild is not going to be your messenger! " Cassandra narrowed her eyes and snapped her fingers, a snake then wrapped around his legs. "The girl has already decided her Fate, old man. You get no say in it. Now I suggest you let her go, or you will be the first to die."

The old man didn't let go. Cassandra sighed, "Snivells." The snake hissed and bit into the mans leg. He fell to the ground screaming, letting go of the girls hand. "What is your name girl?" Cassandra asked."Evalynn," answered the girl. Cassandra nodded."You are brave," said Cassandra "once you give the king the message I wouldn't mind having you join me." Evalynn nodded, more out of fear than anything. Cassandra called a horse to her. A beautiful thorough bred stepped forward. "Look after Estrella okay Evalynn? Now go and deliver that message." Evalynn mounted the horse and rode out of the village. As soon as she was out of sight Cass turned to her followers. "Finish them off." The animals snarled and growled launching themselves at the villagers. Cass turned to her brother. "Come on Andros, you don't need to see this."

Andros let her lead him away, they walked in silence until the massacre was no longer in sight. "Are - are you really my sister? " Cassandra stopped and looked down at her brother, she then pushed back her hood and pulled down her mask. "I am." She told him softly. His mouth opened in shock before his eyes filled with tears, and he threw himself at her in a hug. "I mi-issed you! They - they said you were dead!" He sobbed out. She held onto him tightly, "Well they were obviously lying. "

"Where have you been?" Andros asked pulling out from the hug. "I can't answer that now but in time you will know." was Cassandra's answer. Yowls were heard coming towards them. Turning around they saw all of Cassandra's followers coming towards them. "It is done," said Snow, a white artic wolf. "Good," said Cassandra. She picked Andros up then looked at her other followers. "Meet my brother," she began "from now on he will be known as Prince Wild, I expect you to treat him the way you have treated me." Cassandra was met with a chant. "Prince Wild, Prince Wild, Prince Wild!" was heard throughout the forest. Cassandra smiled, she knew, by the time they reached the king they would be unstoppable.

"Enjoy life while you can Catarash, 'cause the Wild has awoken."

The Wild Series-Book 1: The Wild Has AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now