Chapter 6. The council

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To say King Athrious was furious would be the understatement of the century. He was so angry no word has actually been invented that explained how he felt. "How dare this Empress come to my kingdom and try to take my throne!" he said furiously to his council "something must be done."

There were murmurs of agreement from around the table. One of the Council members spoke up. "My King, Empress Wild has already destroyed 4 villages in two weeks. Do you really think that we could defeat her-" King Athrious interrupted him by slamming his hands down on the table. "Do you think our army weak? That we could not overpower and kill her? If that is the case than you should just show yourself to the dungeons, because I will not stand for this treason!" The council member fearful shook his head. "N-no my king, it's - it's just that there's rumor that she has... creatures in her army," he said fearfully.

"Creatures?" The king scoffed "do you believe any rumour you hear Charta?" Charta looked between the council members.

"Sire. I have talked to people who have seen these creatures." King Athrious scoffed again. "Do you really expect me to believe that?" "You should." The council all turned their heads towards the voice. A tall figure in a grey cloak stepped out of the shadows. "You will believe your little friend here if you know what's good for you."

"Who the hell are you?!" The figure laughed quietly before answering, a hint of something not human in his voice. "My name is Lita, and I am here with a gift from my Empress. " Although fear was in the eyes of many of the Council members, there was none in the eyes of the king. As foolish as he was all he felt was anger. "And what is this gift? " Lita grinned impossibly wide at his tone, and pulled a box from his cloak.

"What's in there?" demanded the king. "A little something my empress likes to call sweet revenge." Lita opened the box. At first it seemed like nothing was in there. Lita reached in and pulled out a king brown snake. "Say hello to my little friend," said Lita with an evil laugh (so cliché). Lita dropped the snake. "Say good bye dear kingy." With a twirl of his cloak, Lita disappeared.

He snake darted towards the king, it had almost reached him when one of the council members pulled a dagger from his robe and threw it with startling accuracy, beheading the Snake. A different council member looked completely baffled as he questioned then other. "Lord Devi, why do you have a dagger on you?!" Lord Devi turned to the other council member and shrugged slightly. "You never know when an assassination attempt will happen. "

The council member looked thoughtful. "True enough." King Athrious banged his fist on the table to get the councils attention. "It appears Empress Wild has taken to assassination attempts now," he stated. "Jonak." "Yes sire?" asked one of the older council members. "Have you been able to figure out a pattern for her attacks yet?" "Not yet sire." Just then the doors opened and a young messenger came in. "What?" demanded the king. "Uh L-lord Ca-Callum sent me to t-tell you that th-there has b-been t-two more attacks on t-two villages east of the k-kingdom, s-sire," the boy stuttered.

"WHAT?! HOW COULD SHE HAVE ALREADY DESTROYED TWO MORE OF MY VILLAGES?!" The king yelled at the boy, making him flinch. The youngest of the council members spoke up before the king could continue to yell. "My King, the boy is just a messenger. He wouldn't know how the Empress did it, so don't take your anger out on him. And might I suggest taking a deep breath and calm down? You cannot make a good plan to defeat the Empress if your mind is clouded by rage." The king look like he was going to ignore the advice but thought better of it, and took a few deep breaths. He then dismissed the messenger.

Jonak spoke up. "If I may sire, I believe the assassination attempt was planned to end with you dying so that, when the news of the attack on the villages got to us the council would be to disorganised to be able to deal with it." The king looked thoughtful. "Maybe your right Jonak. I guess that I had underestimated the intelligence of Empress Wild." The council all nodded their heads in agreement. "Shrile." "Yes sire?" "Would you be able to find out where the empress' camp is?" "I could try sire." "Good, when you do send a message asking her to meet me here because I want to have a proper talk with Empress Wild."

"Of course, sire." Shrile bowed before leaving the room.

Words: 805 (not including A\N's)

There you go everyone. I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to read,comment and vote. 


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