Chapter 5. Wings?

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Uni       Me

Screams were heard as Cassandra walked into the city, Evalynn following behind with a sword in hand. A wendigo ran past them, jumping on a guard and tearing into the man's stomach. A small flock of geese were attacking a family of four a few feet away. A man charged at Cassandra so she pulled back the string of the bow and let the arrow fly. It hit the man in the chest causing him to stumble before falling over, dead.

3 other men charged at Cassandra but she had already let another 3 arrows fly, all hitting their target. 

Another man tried to sneak up on them, but Evalynn saw him. She quickly turned and sliced her sword through the air, giving the man a nasty wound on his stomach. The man tried to stab her, but before his sword could touch her a sprite attacked his head, distracting him. Evalynn took the opportunity to stab him in the heart. 

Evalynn looked at her sword in surprise. Did she really just kill someone? Evalynn felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Empress Wild-Cassandra- smiling at her. "You just proved your loyalty," began Cass "you killed that person like it was second nature."

A few tears slipped down Evalynn's cheeks, before she took a deep breath. "We should continue." Cassandra nodded and continued walking towards the center of the city. "Come on then, we've got a city to destroy. " 

Evalynn joined in the fight realising it was useless to dwell on her killing someone, as she was obviously going to be doing it quite often. Meanwhile Cassandra was took out 10 men within 10 seconds. Running out of arrows, Cassandra pulled out a beautiful-yet deadly-silver dagger.

Cassandra dodged and twirled, ducked and stabbed. If one didn't know better they might have thought that she was dancing, for that is what it looked like, a deadly and dangerous dance. 

Suddenly Cassandra was surrounded by a silver light although she didn't seem to notice, but everyone else did.

Most of the humans stopped fighting to watch her, giving Cassandra's followers opportunity to easily kill them. Once they were all dead the light surrounding Cassandra faded, revealing the beautiful silver wings that appeared on her back. Evalynn's eyes widened in awe as she breathed out a soft, "By the Gods..."

Cassandra, noticing the eyes on her turned her neck and almost fainted at her new wings. A young doe cantered up to Cassandra and bowed. She then turned to Cassandra's followers (Now known as Wild's Army (WA)) "I give to you Cassandra O'Carrick," she began "now Empress Wild and blessed by Artemis, goddess of the moon and the Hunt!" (A\N 1 of Artemis' sacred animals is a deer)

Once the deer finished talking every single creature, animal, and Evalynn still alive bowed. It took several minutes before Cassandra was able to stop staring at her wings, but once she did she frowned slightly, "Rise, all of you. I may be your Empress, but I am also your friend. You lot have no reason to bow to me."

WA rose and looked to Empress Wild for orders. "We will head back to our camp, collect Andros and then make our way for the next junk heap." was all she said

A\N Ya'll know what to do

The Wild Series-Book 1: The Wild Has AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now