Chapter 2. Evalynn meets the King

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A\N Same deal as before people. Uni, Me. Enjoy and tell me what you think.

Evalynn had been riding for almost three days straight (stopping only for rests) when finally she saw the border of the city. The white wall shining in the early morning light.

She let out a sigh of relief, and got Estrella to pick up their pace. Once they got to the gate a guard stopped her, "State your business," Evalynn took a deep breath before answering "My village has been destroyed, and the person who destroyed it wants me to give a message to the king. "

The guard looked at her in disbelief. "And they sent a girl of fourteen to deliver it? Doubtful."Estrella glared at the guard (can a horse glare?) "She has proof," stated Estrella, scaring the hades out of the guard "I am one of her many followers."

"W-wait here," the guard stammered before disappearing into the kingdom, Evalynn only had to wait for a few minutes before the guard came back with the captain of the guards. The captain gave Evalynn a doubtful look, "My guard tells me that you have a talking horse, and that you need to speak with the king. Unfortunately, I need proof of this before I can let you even glance at the king."

Evalynn huffed. "Seriously, is it so unbelievable that a fourteen year old girl has been sent with a message?" she asked Estrella."Apparently it is," answered Estrella flicking her tail "people, especially males, are so closed minded that they can't tell the difference between a talking horse and normal horse, even if it's standing in front of them," Estrella nickered a laugh "which, conveniently, it is." The captain stared at Estrella for a good five minutes. "You gonna say something or are you just gonna stand there like a dumb-struck mule?" snarked Estrella.The captain looked away from a Estrella and gestured to Evalynn. "Follow me," he said .

They followed him all the way to the castle, once they reached the doors of the castle Evalynn got off of Estrella. Evalynn looked around the place in wonder as they walked down the halls. She almost bumped into the captain when he suddenly stopped in front of a set of doors.

"Wait out here and I will tell the king who you are and why you're here," the guard told Evalynn, his hand on the door "Your name?" 


The captain walked into the room and kneeling once he came to a stop a few feet away from the throne. "What is it?" The king asked, boredom colouring his tone. "There is a girl by the name of Evalynn that wishes to speak with you. Her village was destroyed, and she has a message from the person that destroyed it for you." 

Oh? Well send her in." The captain nodded as he stood up. "Yes, your highness. "


Evalynn walked into the throne room and curtsied to the king. "My Guard told me you have message for me from the person who destroyed your village," said King Athrious. "Yes, your highness.""well then what is it?" Evalynn took a deep breath and recited what Empress Wild had told her. "And what was the deal she wanted to make?" asked the king. Evalynn pulled out a piece of parchment that she had found in Estrella's saddle. King Athrious snapped his fingers and a young serving boy came forward and grabbed the parchment. "This Empress Wild wants me to surrender the kingdom to her?! Unbelievable." King Athrious looked at the knights standing around the edges of the room. "She wants Catarasha? Then she'll have to get through the best knights in the 10 kingdoms."

Words: 613 (no A\N included)

A\N I hope you like that chapter. plz comment, vote, ect.

The Wild Series-Book 1: The Wild Has AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now