Chapter Three: Gladden

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We pull up to the front of the airport and the bald lackey opens the door for me. "Thanks," I shift awkwardly as I get out, taking in the scenery. People hustle to and fro, hauling luggage. Hugging each other goodbye. Hailing taxis. The grey-haired man gets my luggage out the trunk. Rej also gets out and someone else I can't see hops in the driver seat. Rej pulls out his phone as the car drives away, and he walks towards the front doors.

I get the cue to follow him from the lackeys. The motion sensitive doors open for us and we enter the huge space. Wide walkways filled with people, large windows with endless sunlight. Loud voices coming from unseen sources. A ball of anxiety forms in my stomach, reminding me that I'm not mentally prepared for what's coming next.

We follow Rej to the luggage scanning area where they see if we are sneaking any weapons on. Instead of going through them, Rej shows the woman at the scanning station his badge. She nods, waving us through a side area. The woman doesn't show me any clues as to who I'm with. She stares after us for a short moment, but no specific emotion plays on her face. We arrive at the terminal and more men in black suits appear. I also see teens who seem to be around my age sitting next to them. The ball in my stomach thickens.

Rej approaches one of his comrades and hangs up his phone as he greets him. I follow Baldy and Grey Head to the terminal seats on the left and end up sitting next to Baldy. I shouldn't call him Baldy, but I don't want to ask him his name.

Across from me, are six teens, an even amount of guys and girls. Two of the girls are twins with long auburn hair and light eyes. Their outfits don't match, but complement each other in tone. They whisper to each other as they take turns to giggle randomly. The third girl has dark brownish-black hair, contrasting her pale skin. She's dressed like a model, clearly given much more preparation time than I was; not that advanced notice would have changed my clothing selection. She watches the guys to her left, then shifts her eyes to me. I look away. Her eyes are cold.

Now, the guys. One of them is bulkier, and reading a thick book. He has short cropped black hair and is wearing a light blue button down that looks brand new. The guy next to him is tall and lean with dark skin. He has a lightning bolt shape carved into the his closely shaved hair, and wears a shirt covered in anime art. Across from them sits a blond guy who would fit in perfectly at Adair's table. His muscular arms are crossed nonchalantly, as if he's got better things to do. He too catches me staring, and my stomach drops as I look away. Whatever's happening, at least I've got six others with me.

Not too long after, a voice breaks over the intercom announcing a flight to Nevada. I don't think anything of the message until Rej gestures towards the suits. The voice repeats and all the suits rise. Rej signals us, "Alright everyone, let's go." We all rise, and some of the others stretch as we follow Rej through the boarding ramp.

Naturally, we line up single file, except for the twins who walk side by side. When we board the plane, we don't have to walk far. Apparently, we get first class seats.

"Wow, business class," the anime guy remarks. He fist bumps Rej who gives him a strangely amused expression.

"Pick a seat any seat." Rej looks around at us. "It's about an hour and a half flight from LA to Nevada, so get comfortable."

I spy one seat that seems to be calling my name. It's by the window and faces away from the front of the plane, giving me a good view inside and out. I sit, pleasantly surprised with the amount of comfort the cushion gives me. The material is soft letting me sink down a little bit, and yet firm, holding me into place. I adjust myself and glance out the large, oval window. Outside, other planes sit on a runway, either waiting to take flight themselves or returning from a long journey.

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