The Plan

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Hellooo!!! Well I know "The Morning Show" is a new show and writing fanfiction about it may seem weird but... yeah whatever.This takes place on episode 7, so enjoy!

Alex is exhausted, everything that had happened lately was just too much. She can't stop thinking about Mitch, the kiss, she knows it was wrong, but that didn't stop her. She loves him, but right now is just not the time to start thinking about it.

Her car stops and she looks out the window to see her building in front of her. Slowly she gets out of the car and makes her way up to her apartment. She orders some food, almost forgetting Bradley is coming later to plan something to announce her divorce. That thought makes her feel guilty and free at the same time. Her daughter hates her, but now she's not going to have to pretend she's living a perfect life.

Her mind goes back to the encounter she had with her daughter and she feels her eyes starting to water. Alex doesn't want Bradley to see her breaking down again, not after last time, that was just enough humiliation.

She goes to her bedroom and takes off her shoes, finding something more comfortable, she changes her clothes and goes back to the kitchen for a glass of wine.

Suddenly her phone buzzes, it was Bradley who arrived a little early than expected, but Alex tells her to come up anyways.

While Bradley is on the elevator she starts thinking about Mitch, his offer. He said Alex wasn't blind on what was happening, and he seemed pretty honest about it, but how could it be?. Alex was honest, right?

Looking up and seeing she has more floors to go she grabs her phone and calls Mitch. It had taken some effort to get his number but at the end she got it.

"Hello" Mitch voice makes her think about what she's doing, but she keeps going anyways.

"It's Bradley Jackson, if you can find somebody to corroborate you story, I may be interested"

"I'll find someone" with that Mitch hangs up and the elevator makes a noise telling her she is at Alex's apartment.

Taking a deep breath Bradley steps into the apartment. At first it takes her breath away, the place is really big and just perfectly decorated, clean and organized. It just amazes her.

"Hey" Alex says when she sees Bradley walking towards her.

"Hi" Bradley replies awkwardly.

"Something wrong?" Alex looks at her like she is sensing something ir wrong, something Bradley doesn't like.

"No, I'm fine, it's just... it's my first time here and you know it's like at elementary school when you went to a friend's house for the first time and you didn't know what to do"

Alex makes an attempt to laugh, failing miserably. " yeah, I think I remember that, a better kind of stress than the one we experience now"


"Well, come on let's sit and plan this shit... do you want wine?"

"Um... well I guess I need it" Bradley laughs nervously, knowing well she need more than just one glass.

"Don't we all need it this days, make yourself comfortable I'll be back in a minute" Alex goes into the kitchen and Bradley sits awkwardly in one of the chairs.

When Alex comes back she sees Bradley and starts to laugh.

"Whats so funny?" Bradly asks taking her glass of wine.

"You look so awkward sitting there" Alex sits on the sofa and lays back taking a sip of her glass of wine.

"Sorry, just give me like ten minutes while I get use to this"

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