The King is Dead

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The town was in absolute chaos.

Some people were devastated, a lot more celebrated, and even I felt unnerved by King James death.

The power struggle that was soon to ensue only made the country anxious and  was the last thing we need with Seris armies at our border. Our costal position was an advantage hoisting us on high cliffs and giving us strength at sea, but our land soldiers were surely tired. Even with his fathers sickness and inevitable death the blood prince had not let up to return to Teran. How could a cold blooded murderer lead a country full of life?Would he favor war like his father because it's all he knows?

My thoughts made me impartial to my work and hence subjected to my stepmothers horrid screams. She wanted my siblings and I done with bread before sunrise so we'd get more coins than Milly Harken's bakery down the road. My father slaves over the stove forging new swords. All his hard work for meager pay from the king. If I finished in enough time I could help him.

At record speed I rolled over a dozen rolls and even started my half brother Peter's share before Frea came in to check. She set me free with a satisfied grin and before I could head to the forging oven she stopped me with a look.

"A lady has no business in that hell hole. It's dangerous and you might scar that pretty skin of yours before you can find a husband. Go take a break before the morning rush."

I sighed and nodded ,knowing better than to argue. I'd just sneak in when she wasn't watching.

I head out the back to the grassy hill. Far on the horizon I could see smoke rising on the border. The town of Hopchill was many miles away from Terran's costal castle and it was here soldier fought not too far away on foot. Sometime when the enemy would retreat, our soldiers would flood into town for supplies before returning by morning.  Today the distant battle raged on, the enemy probably spirited in the loss of our King. I stepped lightly down the hill and was startled by a black Andalusian.
"And what might you be doing here, you startled me."I said approaching it slowly. He lacked a saddle making me question whether he was a soldiers horse. He nuzzled his head near mines as I looked around. There was a small stream down the hill that I followed and eventually found the owner. Only I found him naked and bloody. But definitely naked.

"You aren't possibly just going to stand there and stare  are you.Care to join?" The stranger said and I tore my eyes away from his nude figure.

"You couldn't have possibly thought this was an ideal place to bathe." I shot back, annoyed that he did seem even as half as embarrased as I felt.

"There aren't many other options. I'm decent." He said exasperated.

I was at a complete lost for words and with such a terrible meeting who wouldn't be. Instead of talking we both resorted to an intense visual analysis of one another. His hair was chocolate brown with lazy curls and his eyelashes betrayed his locs natural color for they were a pale blonde shading his pale blue eyes.  I involuntarily gasped when he affixed them upon my green ones. Once again my eyes traveled to his bloody appearance and rested upon the cut in his side seeping blood.
"You're injured."I pointed out, remembering the truly most concerning thing about his presence.

"It's a scratch." He said pulling a linen shirt over his bare chest. I shook my head.

"Quite the fatal one. Sit." I pointed to the ground and turned before he could give me any reply. I rushed to my room for cloth and my mother's herb juice.

I was surprised when I returned to find him seated beside the stream. He was immediately alerted to my presence and turned those startling eyes on me again. I'd only seen eyes like that in a portrait of Queen Saorise.

At my command he obediently lifted his shirt and exposed the wound. Without any complaint he allowed me to clean it properly. Only when I grabbed the herb juice did he  stop my hand with a strong grip. One look at him told me he thought I'd poison him.

"I'll do without that." He nudged his head in the jars direction.
"You'll have an infection before the sun rises again without it." I said but he wouldn't bail. With no other option I sighed pulling his dagger from the dirt and before he could stop me I sliced my upper arm. I quickly cleaned and dressed the wound with the herb juice his eyes watching my every move. He finally released my hand and let me apply it to his wound, stitch it and wrap it. The silence that ensued was more than uncomfortable and so I took it upon myself to break it.

"What are you called?" I said softly tying the final not. He considered me for a minute before he responded.
"Cassius." He answered.
"Are you vain Cassius?" I teased. He lips broke into a small smirk.
"I take no great pride in who I am." He said his eyes betraying his mind had drifted elsewhere, somewhere darker. The moment was brief however and once again they were breathtakingly fixed upon me.
"And you malady, what shall I call you?" He said and my heart fluttered in my chest.

"Resa. I'm called Resa."
"Well lady Resa, Our bizzare encounter has been rather amusing, but I'll be on my way." He said gathering his arm out and saddle. He quickly saddled the horse before the words stuck on my tongue could release.

"Wait here for just a second more." I said rushing off, again not looking to see if he'd stay.
I sneakily gathered bread and plums for Cassius and carrots for his steed, rushing out. Like before he'd waited, leaning against the willow beside the stream.

"It's not a lot but it will keep you from starving before the next town." I passed him the sack and he gently took it.

"I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness lady Resa." He said taking my hand, pressing his lips to the back of it.

" My pleasure." I said hiding the heat that rose in my cheeks behind my darkening blonde locs.
"Sir and I shall return the favor." He said quickly mounting Sir and before I could respond 'Don't' he was off.

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