Part Three - Ripped wallpaper

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I open the front door to see a man with multiple shopping bags in his hands. His expression changes from the kind face you'd give to an elderly couple like the Heelshires to a look of complete confusion. Clearly, he wasn't told that I would be here.

I invite him in so he doesn't have to continue holding the multiple bags. Bringing them to the kitchen, he introduces himself as Malcom. So I was right when I guessed that Malcom was the delivery boy. While we start to put each thing where it should be placed, I notice the ring on his left hand and decide to question him about it.

"Hey Malcom, who's the lucky gal?" I say, wiggling my eyebrows playfully.

He looks over at me, raising an eyebrow of his own. "His name is Raymond."

This takes me by surprise and I feel bad for assuming. I don't know why I instantly assumed that Malcom would be straight. I apologise for assuming his sexuality and he accepts the apology.

I remember about wanting to find out more about Brahms. "Malcom, do you think you can tell me a little more about the Heelshires? Especially about the... Child?" I ask him, not sure why wanting to seek the answers seems to worry me so much now. He finishes putting the last of the shopping away before answering.

"That kid died twenty years ago. Something about a house fire and not getting out in time. Even though Brahms lost his life within it, the parents managed to get out near free of injuries. I mean, yes, Mr Heelshire got some burns on his arms and they both inhales a little bit of smoke but that was about it. When the house was re-built, they became shut ins. They have a ton of newspaper clippings somewhere, not only about the whole fire incident, but of each and every time something was published to the world about this family. If you're up for a snooping, I'd suggest looking for those clippings."

We make our way to the front door before he stops and leans in a little. "Also, I'd pay some attention to the details of the walls here if I was you. It seems a little suspicious why they play that music so loud for a doll, is it not?"

He stands up straight, says farewell and leaves. I contemplate what it is that he just said. Now that I think about it, it is a little suspicious how the music is played so loud. I make my way over to the living room to where I left Brahms, the same place that his music is played.

I stroke the doll's cheek with my thumb as I pass it. I begin to make my way around the room, looking closer at the walls than usual. Everything is as it seems until I come across something that is enough to make me concerned.

A thin line outlining what could be a door is just visible behind the slightly ripped wallpaper. I slip the tips of my ring and middle fingers into the line and try pulling at the line and it begins to open until it near slams shut in an instant, almost as if the door is attached to springs. The tips of my finger feel sore and I gently rub them.

The sound of the ringing telephone scares me and I spin around to where the old fashioned thing is. Making my way over, I wonder who could be calling the house when Malcom said the people who live in it are shut ins. I pick up the phone and the person on the other end of the phone is silent. I contemplate putting the phone back down until-

"Harmony? Why did you try coming into the den?" The sound of a little boy's voice comes from the other end of the line. I stay silent, scared out of my mind. I hastily put the phone down, scoop up Brahms, who is still on the couch and run out of the room.

Someone is here! I race towards Brahms' room, entering, closing the door and curling up in the corner of the room. I'm still holding the small doll against me, wanting to erase what just happened from my memory.

After getting over the spooky part of what just happened, I begin to think logically again. This only happened after what Malcom told me to go looking at the walls more closely...

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