Part Twelve - Entwined together

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I slowly sink down onto him, sighing quietly. Brahms groans in his sleep, shifting only a little. We continue being within this position for a few minutes before more groaning escapes from under me.

"Mummy... I-I..."

Brahms begins waking up. So much for teasing. It doesn't take him long to find me straddling him, his boner buried inside me. His hands twitch.

"Touch me, angel. I really want to feel your hands."

He begins rubbing at my chest in an instant, clearly mesmerised by its shape and the way it moves in his hands. Sighs keep escaping me.

His hands lower to my hips, pawing and gripping at them. I moan out as his own buckle up into me. "Not yet, baby. It's going to be a while before that."

I can see his urge to ram into me rising. His fingers start rubbing their way up the inside of my thighs to where we are connected. His thumb begins exploring the hood and keeps rocking back and forth like a pendulum.

My clit starts getting irritated from the lack of his attention. "Mummy? Can I touch the place I am inside you?"

I nod, getting up. I whine slightly when he slips out of me. He shifts so that we can change position. Brahms' hand once again find its way between my legs.

His thumb brushes up and down the opening as I'm left quietly panting, just wanting him to push his fingers in. But he still continues rubbing at me.

His thumb wanders all the way to the top and it brushes up against my aching clit. I moan out, pushing my hips down slightly onto his hands for more attention.

Brahms looks at me, confused. "Mummy?" He pulls his hand away.

I whine again. "Again, Brahms... Please... Continue rubbing there..."

I guide his hand back down between my legs, putting his thumb back on my clit. "Continue... Please?" His thumb gently caresses it, but doesn't rub it.

I can feel the heat between my legs getting irritated at the lack and small spikes of attention. I begin rubbing at the inside of my thighs to help ease it.

Brahms can probably sense my neediness for his attention as his dick twitches, clearly missing being inside of me. Instead of rubbing my clit and giving it the attention it wants, his thumb rubs down my entrance again and finds where he's looking for.

Before I realise it, two fingers are pushed into me. I moan out, not sure if I want him to be fast or slow. My own fingers find my clit and begin rubbing at it, whimpers finding their way out as my hips roll around on Brahms' fingers.

He huffs, removes my hand and pulls his fingers out. I whine slightly, still feeling irritated. Brahms gets out of the beg, makes his way to the child closet and gets something from it. When he gets back, I realise what it is. A tie.

He uses it to tie my hands to the headboard. Without being able to distract him, Brahms begins rubbing at my entrance. At this point, I'm silently crying from not being filled with him.

His fingers are pushed back into me, rubbing antagonisingly slow against my walls. His thumb is gently brushing against my clit but not rubbing up against it.

Moans keep escaping me. I can see him twitching and just want to feel him inside me again. Tears make my cheeks sting. I inhale quickly as Brahms' thumb is placed on my clit and is rubbed around on it, finally giving it the attention it was denied earlier.

A gasp comes from Brahms as I tighten around his fingers. Even though we've only just been here a few seconds, I feel the urge to release. His thumb keeps changing speeds but his fingers go at the same.

I squeal slightly as I come. Panting slightly, I look up at Brahms. He's looking back at me, his eyes wide open.

The hands that brought me sweet release unattach themselves from me and grip at my hips, picking them up and allows him to shift under me.

Brahms' thighs are under where my hips are, pushing them up so that he has a better angle to enter me with. But he doesn't enter me just yet, choosing instead to rub himself up against me, finally letting me feel him twitching.

I wrap my legs around his hips, ready to pull him into me. After deciding he's had enough humping up against me, he positions himself and pushes in, huffing slightly.

I moan out, enjoying the feeling of being filled again after so much teasing. Brahms' hands begin wandering again, massaging at my hips and chest. He soon reaches under me and grips at my ass with both hands, making me bite my lip and whine slightly.

His hips suddenly snap into mine, causing me to moan out, his hands still holding onto my ass. "Brahms... Brahms... Yes..."

"Call me Daddy."

I look up at Brahms, surprised. It's not such a hard request to do. "Yes Daddy."

One of his hands moves back to where we're connected and he presses his thumb against my clit, causing me to squeeze round him. "Mmh... Daddy, fuck..."

He continues thrusting into me, slowly rubbing his thumb round in circles for a few minutes before the need to release comes back again.

We both end up finishing and Brahms unties my hands. He turns us both over, still buried within me and pulls me down onto his chest. I pull the blanket over us as we lay down in the bed.

"Daddy? Can I cockwarm you for the morning?" I look up at him. He nods his head and hums slightly. I lay my head back down on his chest and enjoy the occasional twitch I feel against my good spot.

Hands rest themselves on my ass and on one of my thighs. Sighs keep escaping me from time to time as I feel him pulsing slightly. "Mm... Daddy... You feel so good buried in me... You can blindfold me... And have your way with me again... If you wanna..."

I teasingly roll my hips around on him and he twitches a few times. He reaches up to where he placed the tie and wraps it around my eyes. I don't know what he does after that before he wraps his arms around me again.

A pair of lips press up against my forehead. I look up to where his face is, hoping to get a kiss.

Now this is a whole lotta sinning 😂

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