Part Nine - Command control

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I wake up to a face full of gentle morning sun. The memory of the adult Brahms and what he allowed me to do with him last night currently come to mind in my sluggish state as I bury my face into my pillow. If I could, I'd spend the rest of the day like this, in a state of warmth and comfort. But I am here to look after Brahms, not sleep as much as possible. And anyways, I'd love to see him squirming under me a little more today.

While getting ready for the day, a knock on my door alerts me to someone on the other side. When I open it, Brahms is standing there, the doll boy in his arms and his attention on its porcelain scalp.

"Hello, Brahms. Is there something you need?"

He moves his head up slightly to look at me. There seems to be something on his mind. He doesn't answer.

"Brahms? If there's something you are wanting to say, please just say it."

Brahms looks back down at the head of fake hair. "Can I call you Mummy more often, Harmony? I really liked it last night."

A smile comes to my face. "Yes, baby boy. But are you going to be ok with me doing more activities with you like that?"

He nods his head. "Yes, Mummy, please. Your hands feel so much better than mine."

I smirk at him. "Well, if you're good today, we may do it more often at bed time. Or maybe at some point today, Mummy will let you fuck her."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can already see a tent reforming. Brahms is looking down at me, eyes wide open.

"It seems that you really want to feel my legs wrapped your hips, squeezing around you and squealing for you to pound me nice and hard. Dirty little Brahmsy just wants to fuck his Mummy, isn't that right? Well now, go and wait for me downstairs, without the boy. And don't you dare touch yourself when you leave, or you'll get no attention from me."

He quickly turns around, walking down the corridor again in a rush. I wait a few minutes before heading downstairs myself.

Brahms has sat himself on the edge of the sofa and is rubbing the palms of his hands on his thighs, sighing quietly. As I enter the room, he lets out a little sigh.

"Mummy, please... I want to be in your hands again... Please?..."

Despite his calls, I'm not going to give into his begging a second time.

"Not yet, Brahms. We've got a little bit of attention we need to spare for one or two things before we start. I want you to take your trousers off and lay down for me first."

He instantly starts to do as he's told, completely unaware that I, myself am taking off my shorts and panties. Laying fully flat on his back, he turns his head to me.

A gasp, whine and small growl come from him as he spots that I'm naked from the waist down, his eyes fixes between my legs at the exposed flesh.

"Mummy, I want to be inside you... Please, Mummy..."

I ignore his pleading again, sitting on his lap, making sure his still-covered boner is pushed up against my heat. His hips thrust up to get more friction, but I push him back down with my own.

"Don't be so impatient. You'll get what you want soon."

He doesn't respond to this. Taking it as a sign of some progress, I begin rocking my hips back and forth on him, feeling myself getting aroused to the sudden amount of friction under me. Brahms begins to whimper and pant, only pushing his hips up slightly against mine.

I allow this to continue for around two minutes before I get off of him. He groans out.

"No, Mummy... More... It felt so good... Mummy... Fuck me..."

I place my hands on the hem of his boxers and he instantly moves his hips so I can pull them down. Flinging them down over the side of the arm, I re-straddle him and aim his boner at my entrance, but don't let him push into me just yet.

"If I'm to let you push into me, you are to watch me taking your boner and fucking it as fast or as slow as I like until I am done with it. You're not allowed to look anywhere else other then at Mummy taking you. And you are to ask Mummy nicely to fuck you. Do you understand, baby boy?"

"Yes, Mummy." Brahms nods his head, looking down where I am hovering over his boner. "Please fuck me."

"Good boy." I slowly slide myself down upon his length, sighing softly in satisfaction, grabbing Brahms's hands and placing them on my hips. He lets out a slight groan.

"Oh, Mummy... Y-You're so tight!" He moans out quietly. I roll my hips against his, getting used to the filled feeling.

I let myself stay fully filled of his length for a few more seconds before I begin to thrust on him, feeling him beginning to hit all of my good spots.

With more desperation that comes in waves, Brahms' attention is still focused on his length slipping in and out of me at the same steady pace. His hands still grip onto me, not wanting me to release him before he's finished.

The feeling of release starts to form in my stomach as I continue to ride Brahms' length, not intending to let him pull out until I've finished.

Soon enough, I finish on him but continue to roll my hips around through my high. Brahms also reaches his end and finishes deep inside of me.

"M-Mummy, I'm sorry... I didn't ask to finish..." Brahms moans out from under me. I begin to shush him, tugging him up by the arms and gently holding his head against my chest.

"Mmh.... Mummy... I like having you in my arms... And on me at the same time... Can we sit like this more often?"

"Yes, my Brahms." I sigh, contempt as he rubs his mask against me.

We stay like this for a good half an hour before I decide to get up, pulling Brahms out of me and lead him up to the bathroom so that we can both clean off.

Ok, not gonna lie, I think I enjoyed this one a little too much 😂

Brahms Heelshire - Lamb to the slaughterWhere stories live. Discover now