Part Eight - Screwing around

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I make my way back over to Brahms, still longing to feel the cold lips of his mask on my own again. He props himself up on his elbows as I sit myself on the side of the bed. I place a hand on his abdomen and lean in towards his mask.

When I feel the stone-lips against my own once again, Brahms moves both of his hands to my upper arms and holds me in place. I begin to rub my fingers back and forth on the spot on his stomach where I have placed my hand.

Brahms pulls away from the 'kiss' and we both take a moment to regain our breath. One of his hands moves from my arm, snakes its way back down to my wrist again and leads my hand the rest of the way down his torso, where he eventually stops when we reach his hips.

The semi-tent that has already begun to form and get slightly taller under my hand is already enough to get a soft groan from Brahms when I begin to rub the palm of my hand against him in little slow circles. At least a minute of this goes by before a whine erupts from the back of his throat.

Brahms begins to shift uncomfortably under my slow, gentle and persistent attention, most likely wanting more than just little nudges through the material of his pyjamas, his full on boner now restrained inside his clothing.

I remove my hand, earning a needy gasp from the man in the bed, before placing both hands at the hem of his trousers, ready to pull them down, along with his boxers, while looking up at him.

"Should I set it free and play with it for a while? Or should I leave you like this, all nice and aroused for me? Tell me, baby boy, what should Mummy do?"

I have no idea where this confidence has come from, but I personally love having control over such a tall and obedient submissive. His eyes widen once again behind his mask. Quite clearly, he seems to take just as much pleasure from my sudden dominance as much as I do. He begins to nod his head.

"That's not an answer, little one. You have to tell me what you want, or you won't get anything." He continues to fidget slightly under me, clearly becoming more antsy due to lack of friction.

"Y-Yes, Mummy... Play with me, please." Brahms says, still with his actual, deep adult voice as he begins rubbing his hands on the bed next to him.

"Such a good boy, asking for what he wants. Now, scoot up your hips a bit so I can help you out of those clothes."

He does as he's told and I tug down both pieces of clothing blocking my way, pulling them both down to the middle of his thighs, letting his boner spring free from the tight restrictions. He lets his hips press back onto the mattress and wraps a hand around himself, not being able to stand the lack of pleasure anymore.

I slap his hand away before he can give himself too much pleasure. "No, Brahms. That's Mummy's job. Only Mummy will give you relief and let you have release. Do you understand?" He nods his head, just like before and removes his hand. I cough slightly and raise an eyebrow at him. "Well?"

"Yes, Mummy, I do. Can you touch me now? Pretty please? I'm desperate."

I smile down at him, gently wrapping my own hand around him. "Yes, my little baby."

Slowly, I trail my hand from the tip, all the way down to the base, before making my way back up to the tip. Brahms sighs quietly under me, clearly enjoying the skin on skin contact he's receiving. I begin to repeatedly rub my hand from base to tip, wanting to go slow with him at first.

When Brahms starts to release precum, I rub the underside of his tip with one thumb while using my other hand to continue to massage away at his neediness, now beginning to speed up the pacing little by little.

A few minutes of this goes by before I see his reaction to his building orgasm. "M-Mummy, I wanna-... Please... L-Let me... Can I... Mummy please?" He looks up at me with puppy eyes that are clouded over with complete lust.

Deciding not to tease him, despite craving having him wait, I answer his cry for help. "Yes, baby boy. Come." Brahms reaches his high and releases, getting most of it on his thighs.

"Now, you go get this cleaned up and get to bed, ok?" I tell him, releasing him out of my hands. He nods slightly. "Yes, Mummy."

I stand up, but before I turn to leave, I kiss Brahms on the mask one last time for the night. Before I begin to walk out of the room, I hear him call out for me again, still using his adult voice, even now. I turn to look at him. "What is it, angel?"

"Can you kiss me on my real lips, please? I wanna feel what yours feel like on them." I smile and nod my head slightly in response. He grips at his mask lifting it up so that his lips are exposed and ready. I lean over and place a kiss on them, allowing myself to be contempt in feeling his real lips on my own.

I pull away, reminding him that he should really get himself cleaned up and ready for bed. He nods and allows me to leave for my own room this time. I arrive, close the door and instantly go to sit on the windowsill ledge, wanting to replay the last ten minutes in my head again.

I have to admit, it's something that I'd never thought I'd enjoy doing but I'd love to do something like that again with him if he'd allow me to.

And here we are... Some sinning was needed and some sinning has been done

Brahms Heelshire - Lamb to the slaughterWhere stories live. Discover now