Chapter 11

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All the color drained from Dean's face and he was wide eyed with shock.

"I told you." I said.

"How? How could this happen?" He asked.

"Um.....are you looking for a life lesson?" I asked. He said nothing. Remaining silent, he stared at me coldly. I took this as an opportunity to finish my lesson. "Well....when two people love each other...."

"Cut the crap, Charlie. How did this happen?" He asked.

"That's what I'm trying to explain." I said.

Okay, I knew I was pushing it, but he wasn't exactly making this easy.

"You both need to just calm down." Rome shot in. "This is all gonna be just fine okay. You two will figure something out.

"We're not together, Roman." Dean outbursted. He then turned to me. "We're not together." He said in a rough attempt to make sure I understood.

"So what?" I asked in attempt to make HIM understand. "You're just gonna walk away? You know this is not my fault." I said.

"It's actually half your fault." He argued.

"Yeah, but it's also yours." I said firmly.

He bent down at eye level. His face was close to mine as if to create some sort of intimidation, but I wasn't backing down.

"Listen here and listen well. If I was half the asshole I used to be, you'd be taking care of that baby yourself. But no. No, I'm gonna be a good guy because it's gonna be my baby too. But I'll be damned if you're gonna guilt trip me into anything, Charlie. I'm not the one with the guilt, remember? Should we take a little trip down memory lane, huh? Hell, how am I even supposed to know it's mine?" He asked.

I wasn't thinking before I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him pack roughly. He stumbled a little, but quickly regained his balance. "Fuck you, Dean!" I exclaimed.

This seemed hilarious to him as a wild smile was starting to spread across his face. He chuckled.

"Ya know, if I were you," he stopped and gripped my shoulders roughly, "I'd never do that again."

"Dean, I'm not afraid of you." I said, trying to sound as brave as I could.

He chuckled again. "We both know you're lying." He said, staring at me hardly.

"Dean, we have to get through this." I said.

"We'll get through it just fine." He said.

"How? By you avoiding me every time I walk by. I'm trying Dean. I'm trying to fix this."

"STOP TRYING!" He yelled in frustration. "You can never fix this." He said firmly. "It's just too broken to ever be fixed again."

Then he took off.

His words replayed in my head. 'It's just too broken to ever be fixed again.'

"You know he doesn't mean it." Roman said, interrupting my thoughts. "You two can still fix things. It'll just take time."

"Why is he acting like this?" I asked.

"Because you kissed his former best friend."

"Correction. He kissed me!" I said.

"And then you admitted you loved him."

"I never said that!" I exclaimed.

" was pretty much implied." Roman said.

"Roman, we're just friends. That's it. Friends. And if I have to explain that one more damn time, I think I'm gonna explode." I said before walking away.

I didn't need this. I didn't need an argument right now, especially with Roman.

I turned a corner and ran smack dab into Seth.

"Just the man I didn't want to see." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whoah, what's got you so grumpy?" He asked.

I sighed, "Roman and Dean think there's something going on between us and I don't know how many times I have to tell them that there's nothing between us." He looked hurt by my comment. "You do know that there's nothing between us.....right?"

"Not even feelings?" He asked.

I sighed, "Look, you have feelings for me. I get it. I have feelings for you, but it can't go any farther that just unexplained feelings, Seth. Not now. I'm pregnant with Dean's baby."

"So." He said like it didn't mean a thing.

"So? Really? Seth I can't be with you when I'm in love with another man." I said.

"Charlie, I love you. I don't know how many times I have to say that to convince you that it's true."

"I know that it's true, Seth, but I love you as a friend and nothing more." I said.

"But you have feelings for me." He said. "Just admit that you do love me. Just because you admit it doesn't mean anything has to happen because of it. I just need to know."

I paused. "Seth I......I don't know what to tell you."

"I can't be friends with you anymore, Charlie." He said.


"You told me I could kiss you the other day when I asked. You made me feel like if I took it slow, maybe there was a chance we could be together. But there never was. You just led me on to believe there was so if be there for you. But I can't do that anymore." He said.

"Seth, no. That's not what happened." I said quickly.

"Then why'd you let me kiss you?" He asked. I instantly got quiet. "Huh! WHY?" He yelled at me.

"Seth, you need to just calm down."

"Calm down? Charlie, I feel used. I was here for you when Dean wasn't."

"And I love you for it." I said, "but not in the way you want me to." He stayed silent. I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Seth, I still need you. I still need you with me." I said desperately. "Seth please. I can't do this by myself."

He backed away. "Well you're gonna have to." He said. My heart sunk. "Goodbye Charlie."

He retreated around the corner and left me with tears clouding my vision.

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