Chapter 49

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"How long?" Dean asked as he dragged me over to a more quiet place.


"How long have you and Seth been together?"

"Ya know, I find it funny that Seth wasn't on the list of things you wanted to talk about."

"Are you sleeping with him?"

"No! And what's it to you?" I yelled at him. This was none of his business.

"Me? I'd just like to know what kind of people my baby is gonna be around. And by the way, its not gonna be Seth."

I rolled my eyes, "That's not up to you."

"I don't exactly want my kid around that two toned scumbag."

"Well too bad! You don't exactly make the rules around here!" I screamed as him before retreating away.


I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. "What?"

"You ruined everything, Charlie. Why couldn't you just say that you didn't have feelings for Seth?"

I paused, not knowing what to say. I searched his eyes for the guy full of anger or cockiness. All I found is.....hurt. He was hurt.

"Because I did have feelings for Seth."

Despite how he felt, he had to know the truth.

He ran a hand through his hair and looked down at the ground.

"How long have you had these feelings for him?"

I sighed, "Since the first time he kissed me."

He looked even more hurt considering the fact that he knew exactly when Seth first kissed me. "All this time?" He asked, finally lifting his eyes to look up at me. "And you said yes to my proposal?"

"It wasn't like that, Dean." I said, desperately wanting him to finally let me explain. "Seth kissed me for the first time ever at a time that I was desperate for you. There was a spark, but it didn't compare to the way you made me feel. Then you and I got back together and I felt bad because of it. But he assured me he was okay with it and it didn't seem like it bothered him at all so I kinda just forgot about those little feelings." So far he was being cooperative and listening, so I decided to go on. "Then he started kissing me or just......acting really weird. I was so confused. I was with you.....engaged to you even and he was just randomly attracted to me. Yes, the spark was still there, but I didn't love him." I said. Its like Dean was giving me a fair chance to say my peace.....and not saying a word during it. "That's all it was between us. Yes, there were minor feelings. There was a spark between us, but nothing compared to you. I mean......what's a spark compared to fireworks?"

His eyes met mine. "And now?"

I paused. I stared at him as he desperately searched my eyes for an answer. I sighed. "My feelings have changed."


"Meaning I love him now."

He shook his head. " makes no damn sense."

"The time you left......the time we spent apart gave me time to think. I thought about everything. I went through all my options. You left, Dean. You left without even letting me explain myself. None of this would've happened if you would've just been more understanding."

"Understanding?" He started to raise his voice. "Sorry, my fiancee had just told my ex best friend that she can't say she doesn't have feelings for him when we had literally just discussed where we were gonna have our wedding."

"I tried to explain it to you, Dean. I tried to explain that my feelings for him came no where close to love. He didn't compare to you. I tried to tell you that. You wouldn't have it. That is not my fault."

"So that means you can just go behind my back and fall in love with him?"

He says it like it was a choice.


Dean's attention shifted to something......or possibly someone behind me. I was afraid to look. I turned slowly to seen Seth staring at me wide eyed in surprise. I couldn't believe I'd just said that in front of him.


He didn't let me explain before walking away.

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