White Mist.

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Jungkook shot up, he was sweating and his breath shaky.

'What the hell was that?'

Why was his Tae in his dream now telling him to do what that wacko was asking him to do?

Jungkook was confused beyond belief. Shaking his tired head he eased his legs out of bed and grabbed his walking stick. He walked to his kitchen and poured himself a drink of cool water then grabbing his warm coat and pulling it on, opened his front door and took his usual seat on the veranda.

This was becoming habit lately when he couldn't sleep. He would sit and stare out at the stars, wishing he was up there with Tae', he would be happy then.

A movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He stood and tried to focus his eyes on the spot he had seen the movement. He craned his neck left and right, but couldn't see anyone or anything. He sat back down, eyeing the spot for any movement, then sighing turned his attention back to his stargazing again.

As he rocked back and forth on his rocking chair he heard a noise again, he stopped and looked towards the sound. His breath caught in his throat at what he saw materialising in front of his eyes.

A white misty figure in the shape of a body, formed and Jungkook could see features but not clearly. It was around his height, maybe just a little taller, and slim build. He watched, terrified as it floated closer to him, until it was extremely close to his face, his head was pushed back into the wall of his home, out of fear.

'Is this it?' he thought.

Was this the spirits coming to take him, was he dying?

The misty figure floated back and raised its misty hand to him, he looked at it, confusion on his face.

"You must go back." A voice sounded around him, it hadn't come from the figure, and it was more like a voice from the earth, a vibration.

"This is absurd." He shouted at no one in particular.

He looked at the figure, which was still stood there its hand held out to him.

"Time travel isn't real." He shouted again.

"You must go back." The voice repeated.

Curious he looked at the figure. It was swaying like mist did, but it kept its form, still holding its misty hand out to him.

"Am...am I dead?"

"You must go back." The voice repeated.

Jungkook growled angrily, this was stupid, he was either dead in his sleep or simply dreaming, because this couldn't be real. He took one last look at the mist form and walked back into his house, slamming the door behind him.

The figure slowly dropped its misty arm, dropped its head and vanished.

Jungkook was angry, he paced around his living room, mumbling nonsense to himself. Why was he being pestered by wierdo's and stupid mists when all he wanted to do was mourn his husband in peace? He sat down heavily, thinking back, if only they had taken the medicine that could have saved him in time, Tae would have lived and would still be with him now.

But it was no use dwelling on the past, the new drug that was developed to kill cancer cells had been developed the year before the boys retired, if only they had took it, but at the time, they were still young and could never have imagined any of them would succumb to the big C.

Jungkook yawned, he was tired, he eased himself up and made his way back to his bedroom, climbing into bed he snuggled up to Tae's side of the bed, a small tear falling from his eye.

"I miss you Tae'." He cried.

The mist hovered outside the window, its head down. Upon Jungkook's words, it slowly faded away.

(A/N) Let me know what you think, ive got a few ideas forming for this story, tell me if you like it or not :)

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