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Ok people, here is a new chapter, but...

!!!! WARNING.!!!!

Smut alert, but you should know me by now, I love me a bit of smut :p

Enjoy.... xx Claire xx

"You love him don't you?"

"I...I don't know what you mean."

"Come on Jin, I see the way you look at him, It's how I look at Tae', you need to admit it to yourself."

Jin and Jungkook were sitting in the living room of their dorm, and Jungkook was trying to get Jin to see the truth. Jungkook had decided to get his brothers together, he remembered how long they had ignored the fact they liked each other the first time around, after losing Tae' and Namjoon then Jin, he didn't want them to wait. His brothers belonged together.

"What makes you think I am in love with him?"

"Number watch him when he enters the room, Number get flushed when he touches you, Number three...when he suggests something, you agree first and adamantly. The signs are all love him don't you?"

Jin looked into his brothers eyes, how was he so smart...yes he was in love with Namjoon, he had been for a long time now. But...he was scared, scared of rejection...also he feared what his family would say, they wanted him to marry a nice girl and give them grandchildren.

"I can't love him, I have to marry a nice Korean family wouldn't understand."

"I understand that you love your family and want to please them, but that's not what your heart tells it?"

Jin looked at him, when did he become so good at advice? Where had silly Jungkook gone? The silly kid who always joked around? Who was this man before him, talking to him like he had life experience to go by?

"What happened to you? How did you become so smart?" Jin was curious. Jungkook smiled.

"Let's just say I've learnt a few thing lately, seize the day, go get your man...I happen to know he has feelings for you too."

"Really?" Jin was excited.

"I knew it, you love him." Jungkook said then gave a cute smile.

"Ok, smarty-pants, yes I love Namjoon..."


Both men turned, Namjoon had chosen that moment to walk into the room. His face never leaving Jin's face.

"You love me?"

Jin was momentarily shocked, but he looked at Namjoon, matching his stare. He stood and walked over to him. He took his hands, staring into his face.

"Yes...I do."

It was Namjoons turn to look shocked...He had wished for this day for what seemed like forever. Jungkook slipped out of the room, giving his brothers some space.

" long?"

"Since Hawaii, when we spent that time together, I felt it for the first time then...You made an impression on me, I've never forgotten it, My feelings have grown ever since."

"I've loved you from the start, since before debut. I think it was love at first sight for me." Namjoon admitted.

"Why did you never say anything?"

"I was scared." Namjoon dropped his head, Jin picked his chin up with his finger.

"I'm sorry."

He leaned forward and did the thing he had wanted to do for so long, he kissed Namjoon, deeply and with longing. They broke apart, Jin smiled at Namjoon, and he followed.

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