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Y/N's POV:

   "She's mine now." Chan said as he pulled me closer to him. It feels weird, but somehow comforting with him by my side. I needed it.

"Hyung.. why?" Hyunjin looked at Chan with a confused face.

"Hyung"?? Do they know each other or something? That's awkward.



They seem to have a backstory. Were they friends? Family? ...no way. maybe... COUPLES?! No no no. It can't be! I'm thinking too much. I'll just wait to ask Chan another time. Just not now.

"Sorry mate, can you leave my babygirl alone? She's mine and mine only. Go away will ya." Chan said in a hot Australian tone.

"Cha-" I was about to say something until he covered my mouth.

"You can go now. have a great day, mate." He said as he smirked.

Hyunjin laughed. (In an evil way)

"I'll be back for you y/n."


   Chan drove me home.

Not gonna lie, I had a great time with Chan.. even though Hyunjin had to ruin it. I had fun :)

"Bye y/n. I had fun today, thank you for coming." He said with his smile AGAIN.

"No no no, thank you! I enjoyed it today. Let's meet again on Wednesday?" I said.

"Of course!" He replied.

After that, I left his car and walked into the house.

"Y/N!! Who was that?! Why were you with him!?" My mom came asking me 1000 questions.

"Mom.. t-that was my new friend. I met him at the cafe today. He's really nice." I lied. I wasn't ready to tell her about this. I had to.

Sorry, mom.

She sighed.
"Sorry honey.. I was just afraid that you were using someone for money... like a sugar daddy. I didn't want you to be like that."

That all came slow-mo in my head. I didn't know she hated it that much... I'm sorry mom.

"Pffff I'll never do that."

"That's good to hear." My mom said.

I feel really really bad. I can't help it.


I'm planning to tell her soon.. maybe once I get the allowance? I'll try not to make it any longer. I don't want to hurt her for that long.
I have nothing else to say to my mom for the time being.

"I'm going to talk a shower and go to sleep, okay mom?" I asked. I know that she's in a bad mood. I didn't want to do anything else.

"Okay honey. Good night."

"Night, mom."


   It's a free day.. all to myself. My mom has to work, so I basically have every day to myself. Sometimes it gets kinda lonely and I want someone to spend time with. It's fine though. I get to be lazy, of course. That my typical day. But now that I have to meet Chan, it changes.. in a good and bad way. I have to hide it from my mom, who totally hates the idea of this, but I also have someone to talk to, which is the good part.

I wanted to do something instead of laying around in bed today.

I want to go hang out with my best friend, Dahyun. She's been my best friend ever since middle school. I've always appreciated her for staying by my side, no matter what. So it feels nice to go hang out with her.

I got dressed and called Dahyun. I knew she's always available so I just got dressed first.

*Ring ring*

Y/n: "Yah, ya wanna hang out?"

Dahyun: "sure, I'll pick you up in 10 minutes. Did you already get dressed?"

Y/n: "of course I did. And you haven't?

Dahyun: "I've BEEN prepared for this. I knew you were going to call any second.

Y/n: "sure you were -_- "

Dahyun: "ok, I'm going to your house now. See ya~"

Y/n: "bye!!"

Hangs up

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