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Y/N's POV:

"Wake up, sunshine~" I heard someone whisper in my ear.

It was Chan... CHAN?! How did he get in here??

I jumped and fell off the bed.

But he caught me.

Now we are face to face. Ahhh~ my face is turning red! I better do something quick.

"Yahhh!! You scared me! Knock next time.. please." I said

"Why should I?" He smirked.

I swear.. this man is something else. But he makes me fall for him. I mean, it isn't his fault. In fact, it's mine. he still isn't making anything better. Not a bit.

"Just go. I'll be down for breakfast in a minute." I said as I got out of his arms.

That was awkward.

I'm going to just pretend like nothing happened.. at all.


My mom and I just finished our breakfast with Chan. We just talked about some stuff about each other and of course, my mom was asking millions of questions.

"So, how did you guys meet?" My mom asked.

I coughed.



Before I could say anything, Chan spoke.

"Uhm, we met at the cafe downtown. It was crowded that day, and y/n just bumped into me by accident. She spilled her coffee on me and apologized so quick, and I just thought, 'huh, she's kind of cute'. We then traded numbers because I was running late to work." Chan lied.

My mom smiled.

"Interesting! I wish the two of you the best~" My mom said.

"We will mom. I'm going to go somewhere with Chan for a moment, would you mind?" I asked.

I wanted to talk to him about about all of situation and how we're going to handle it. It doesn't seem right. I haven't asked him what he thought. I can't be with him if he doesn't want to be with me.

It's just selfish.

I want to hear his thoughts on this.
I think I'm in love with Chan.
He might not feel the same...

"Of course! Take your time! And make sure to have a good time, honey." My mom said.

"Thanks mom! I'll be back before 8 pm." I said as dragged Chan along and we went out the door.

I'm really anxious about what Chan is going to say. If he says that he doesn't like me, then I'll quit my feeling.. but of course, i won't tell him that I like him. It's just too much for right now.

I'll tell him at the right timing.
I'll tell him I like him.

"Chan, I-I need to talk with you about something important. Let's head to the cafe." I said nervously that I almost made it too obvious that I'm not okay.

"Okay, I'll drive us there." He said.

We went to his car and went straight to the cafe in an uncomfortable silence. There a high chance that he knows something is going on. We're usually not this quiet.


   We arrived at the cafe.

I picked a table for me and him.

"As I been wanting to ask you, what do you think about our fake relationship? Does it make you uncomfortable? How do you feel?" I continuously asked.

Chan looked at me for a bit.

"Yeah, I'm uncomfortable."

I knew it. He doesn't like me. I'm the one who's caught up in this. He's not mine.

"... because it's not real." He added.

"What?" I questioned.

Because It's not real?? What?

"I know you want it to be fake, but I like you. I want you to be mine, y/n. If you feel uncomfortable with my feeling for you, just tell me. I'll stop and we can continue this fake relationship that you wanted."

What did he just say?
Did he really just say that?

He likes m-me?

"Chan.. I-I like you, too. I've been questioning my feelings, but I realized that I do. I do like you." I confessed.

I didn't think I would say it, but I did.

I said it.

And so did he.

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