Chapter 3 - Red Ice

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We arrived home about an hour later. When we went inside, I expected Todd to ask Kara to get comfortable - like he did with me. But instead, to my confusion and surprise, he asked her to start doing chores. I knew Todd was more stern lately, and when we were in the car he was talking to Kara a little rudely, but I didn't think he would just throw stuff on her like this. 

Kara obeyed without complaint though. Yes, I know she was built to be that way, but it was still weird to watch. When Kara went outside to gather the laundry - as we hung our clothes up on a clothesline to dry (I know, so old-school) - I went over to Todd, who was just sitting on the couch watching TV as usual, and - to my surprise again - drinking a.. beer?

"Dad?" I started to ask. "Why is Kara just doing chores, and by herself too? Shouldn't she become more of a family with us as well?"

"Alice, I specifically bought it for housework. That's what it's designed for anyway. I could've got any other house-care model, but this one is supposedly good with children. You can bug the crap out of it all you want, I don't care. And to be honest, I don't really care at all about anything right now. I'm just gonna sit here and do this my way, a'right? So, I don't have time to help you learn your ABC's or clean the dishes, or even turn on the roomba and all that crap. Just let me run this house my way or it's back CyberLife with ya, got it?" Todd told me, quite harshly.

I was horrified by his response. What has gotten into you, Dad? Where is the father I loved? The father that loved me? But, I still nodded, hoping to hide the new pain I felt. "Yes, Father, I understand..."

"Good... Now, go play with your dolls or something." Todd said.

I was going to head up to my room, but then I remembered Kara. I found her putting some dirty clothes into the washer in the laundry room. She must've noticed me out of the corner of her eye.

"Hello, Alice." She said. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." I told her - even though that wasn't true. "That's good to hear." Kara said as she finished up the laundry. "I'm going to head upstairs and start cleaning up there. Why don't you show me your room?"

"Okay." I said. We went upstairs and into my room. Kara immediately noticed my fort. "Oh, that's a lovely nook you got there. Did you make that yourself?" Kara asked. "Yes, I did. I wanted to create a nice place to read, cause I love to read." I pointed at my bookshelf, which was full of books.

Kara nodded. "If you'd like, I could tell you stories before bedtime. I have 9,000 children's stories in memory. I'm sure I could find ones you enjoy."

"That would be nice. Yes, I like that idea." I agreed. I showed Kara all of the little drawings and crafts I'd done. She complimented all of them. After that, Kara began to clean upstairs, which contained my room, my father's room, a bathroom, and a half-bath. I helped her clean here and there, but I mostly just watched.

Kara was very focused on finishing her tasks, and again, it felt weird watching that. It was almost just another reminder that she wasn't human. I know I'm not human either, but I still was programmed to act more like one. But, Kara doesn't really. She is given orders to obey, and she has no choice but to obey them. I can choose if I want to do those things or not.

I seem so human though, don't I? I act, look, sound, think, play, and even feel like a real child. But what am I really? Advanced software and sheets of metal. A thought came to me again. Should I tell her? What will she think of me if she know I'm like her? Will she still care for me, or does she only care for human children?.. If that's the case, I still don't feel like I can tell her yet. Not until I know she will care no matter what I am.

Kara finished cleaning soon enough. She looked outside, and it was dark. "It's getting late." Kara said. "We should probably start getting you ready for bed." I yawned as I thought about it. "You're probably right, Kara." 

Kara smiled. "Okay. Let's get you changed and tucked in." She said. Kara helped me change into a pair of pajamas. I brushed my teeth, then Kara tucked me into bed. "Would you like a story?" She asked me. I nodded. "Any requests?"

"Hmm... Maybe Goldilocks?" I said.

Kara smiled. "Of course... Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks."

She told me the rest of the story. When she was finished, I felt really sleepy. Kara noticed this. "I'll let you rest now." She said. "Good night, Alice."

"Good night, Kara." I replied, yawning.

Kara closed the curtains, dimmed my lamp, and then left, closing my door.

Drowsiness started to come over me, but I whispered one last thing to the dark room before I drifted off. "I love you, Kara..."

*One Week Later*  

Todd was getting worse. He was falling down a rabbit hole, in my eyes. I noticed that it all started a couple of months back, when a news report was on the TV. A little girl had been taken hostage by a rouge android. Apparently, the little girl was her. Todd's actual daughter, Emma. She's okay, thankfully. Another android was able to negotiate the mean one out of jumping off the penthouse balcony. But, Todd broke down when he watched it. Almost broke the TV. He was crying hysterically. I had tried to comfort him, but he was so scared for his daughter. And all he kept saying to me was, "You're not the same." Over and over.

Now, he has been drinking more, and I had found out what those crystals were. They apparently were a drug called Red Ice. I found him smoking it one day. It produced this creepy, thick, red smoke. And with it, comes his temper. Sure, it calms him down when he's on a high from it. But then, he soon gets into these anger fits of yelling - mostly at me.

It scares me to see him like that. I swear, a few weeks ago he actually cared. But now, he tries to find every way of getting rid of me. Sometimes, he even leaves the house for hours, leaving me with Kara.

Although, I'm not complaining that I get to stay alone with Kara. It's actually nice to be away from Todd sometimes. Kara has also noticed Todd's changes in behavior. When he's around, I could almost feel like she's more protective of me. She actually seems to care about me. But that's impossible, right? She was built differently than I was. She can't really feel emotions like I am able to... can she?

I always asked myself that question, wondering if an answer would ever come. Then one night... 

It did.                                                                                                                                                  

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