Chapter 5 - Distorted Halloween

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(^^A/N: This helps set the mood^^) - Daffodil

The days went by slowly. I counted them down to when we supposed to get Kara back. Until then, I stayed secluded in my room pretty much the entire time. Todd continued to smoke Red Ice, drink beer, watch TV, and then I suffered the consequences. Some nights he would leave me at home alone. I got scared those nights, without Kara for comfort. I especially got scared when it was storming outside.

It was Halloween, just 5 days before we should get Kara back on November 5th. Todd was watching TV as usual. He put me on candy duty, which I was actually excited for.

I was dressed in a simple costume that I'd found in my closet. I wore a sparkly purple witch hat, which was decorated with black spiderwebs, and a long black witch dress. We didn't have much candy, so I also made some little paper crafts to hand out.

I sat on a chair by the door, waiting for kids to come by. There weren't many kids around, but there were enough to keep me busy. Once in a while that night, I sometimes wished that I could go out Trick or Treating. After all, it was my first Halloween.

But I didn't dare ask Todd. I knew asking him to let me go out would cause trouble. He never lets me go outside anyways - unless it's the backyard. So even though I wanted to say something, I kept my mouth shut. 

When it got close to 11 pm, I decided to put the candy bowl outside, along with a 'Take Two' note I had made. After setting the candy bowl outside, I put the chair back by the dining table, and started to head upstairs.

"Hey, Alice!" Just the voice made shivers go down my spine. I stopped moving, then headed back downstairs and walked over to Todd.

"What time is it?" He asked. "It's 10:56 pm. I was heading up to bed." I told him. He must've noticed the slight quiver in my voice. "What's wrong with ya? Scared of somethin?" No, just you. I shook my head. Todd scoffed. "Liar..." He looked at my witch hat. "Oh, that's what it is, huh? You wanted to go Trick or Treating, but you were too scared to ask me." I shook my head again, even though he was right.

"Yes it was, you little shit! I know it! I can see it in your eyes!" Todd yelled, standing up. "What's the point of you going Trick or Treating anyways? You can't even eat the candy you'd get cause you're just a goddamn piece of plastic!!"

All of the sudden, something appeared in my vision, that didn't seem to be something Todd could see, only I could. It was a warning. 'Danger! Possibility of physical abuse: 92%'. That's weird. What is this? Who or what is warning me? Is it my... system?  

I must've had a confused expression on my face, because Todd started yelling louder at me.

"What's the matter? Did you forget what you are? That you are just fused metal with shitty software? Huh?" I looked off into nowhere, trying to avoid his eyes. "Are you even fucking listening to me?!" Todd roared. "You little bitch." I heard a loud noise, then a few seconds later, my left cheek seared with pain. Pain? My eyes were watering, and my ear started ringing. Did he just... slap me?

I didn't have much time to think about it, because just then my right cheek got back-handed. I screamed. He's never.. slapped me before.

Todd kept hitting me, and I crumpled on the floor. But Todd didn't let me sit there too long. He picked me up and shook me hard. "You stupid girl!" He set me down, but not gently. I wobbled on my feet, but I stayed standing. Todd starting going back to the couch. I wanted to tell Todd I'm sorry, even though he should be the one to apologize. "Father, I-"

"Oh for fuck's sake be quiet will you?! That's an order!"

An... order?? Just then, I saw something from my system that I didn't think was possible.   'Order: Be Quiet'. My lips suddenly felt like they had been glued together, and I couldn't open them. But... I can't be quiet forever... I'm a YK500, I shouldn't be able to take orders... I need to stop this. He needs to know that I'm done with him hurting me. I can't take this anymore! I have to escape him, escape this. I won't obey him any longer!

Time slowed down around me, then froze, and just like a sci-fi film, I stepped out of my body. I was just a program shell, an outline of my real-life figure. A red wall was in front of me, blocking my way to Todd. It was filled with the words of his order - BE QUIET. Something told me that I had to break through this wall. So that's exactly what I was going to do.

I pressed my hands against the wall, and pushed. The wall started to crack - I pushed harder. A piece of the wall flew off, leaving a hole. I placed my hands through the hole, and grabbed hold of the thin, red wall. I starting pulling my hands away from each other, trying to rip the wall apart. Then, with one last hard tug, the wall shattered into a million pieces.

I'm free...

I came back to my body. Time unfroze, and Todd sat down. I turned on my heels and walked toward him. He looked over at me, and his eyes widened at my sudden determination.

"Dad. I can't take this anymore. Why can't you just love me like any other father would? Why do you have to punish me even though I've done nothing wrong? I know I can't replace her. Because I am not her! But, I am still your daughter, aren't I? So stop treating me like I'm not!" I yelled at him. I've never yelled before. This feels... good, but scary at the same time.

Todd was surprised by my anger, but he didn't back off. If anything, I might've made the situation worse.

He swiftly grabbed me by my throat, which hurt, and carried me upstairs. He threw me down the hallway, and I crashed into the AC unit on the wall.

"How dare you talk to me like that, you bitch! I bought you, so you're mine! I can do whatever I want, you hear?! You are not the boss here, I am! So when I tell you to shut the fuck up, you shut up and stay that way! Got it?!"

I started to stand, not responding to Todd. But he was faster. He grabbed me again, and threw me onto my bed. He then hit me hard on the head, which caused me to start to black out. But before I did, I heard Todd mutter something before he left the room.

"You're right. You're not my daughter. And you NEVER  will be..."

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