Chapter 13 - Jericho

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We stayed at Rose's for a few more hours as we got everything ready to leave. Rose handed back my newly washed-and-dried clothes, and the other girl android gave Kara another outfit to wear. They were fleece-lined leggings, a pair of boots, a high-collared long sleeve dress, and a puffy vest like mine. Rose also gave all three of us a pair of gloves, then gave me some hand warmers to keep in my vest pockets.

Adam still didn't look to happy to be helping us, but he did it anyways.

That night, it was about 9pm, we left. Rose said goodbye to Adam, and then we hopped into Rose's self-driving car. Rose sat in the "driver's" seat while Kara was in the passenger's seat. Luther and I sat in the back. With it being later, I decided to try and get some "rest." Closing my eyes, I leaned on Luther's arm and began to dream about finally getting across the border.

It was probably about 40 minutes later when the car stopped, and I woke up. We were parked at an old boating dock. Why are we here? I wondered. We all got out of the car, and Rose pointed in a direction.

"A little further down that way, there's a large freighter called 'Jericho'. When you get there, find Markus, he will help you." Markus. That name sounds familiar. Maybe someone brought it up back at Rose's...

"The last bus for the border leaves at midnight." Rose continued. "You absolutely have to be on it. You'll be safer on the other side." Rose handed Kara 50 dollars. "It's not much, but it's a start. My brother lives in Ontario, I've given you his address. He'll be able to hide you, until things calm down..." Rose turned and knelt by me. "You're a very brave little girl, Alice. You deserve to be happy."

Kara gave Rose a hug once she'd stood. "Thank you for everything, Rose." Rose nodded. "Let me know when you get over there, alright? And be careful." She turned to Luther. "Take care of them." Luther nodded as Rose went back into her car, which drove away.

Luther looked back at us. "Come on, girls. We got a bus to catch." He said. We all started walking towards Jericho. Once we entered into the old boat, I got a weird feeling. I saw fires ablaze in spots for warmth, and I was warm, and yet the dampness of the boat was making me cold.

We walked around. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of androids taking refuge here. It was crazy. A lot of them were watching a news broadcast that was being displayed on the steel walls. Some others were just talking to each-other, or sitting by a fire. "We need to find a warm place for Alice." Kara said as we walked.

We eventually found a place to sit by a fire. Kara sat by me. "How do you feel?" She asked. "I'm hot, and cold at the same time..." I told her, honestly. Kara looked at me with a look of motherly concern, then stood. "Stay with her," she told Luther. "I'll try to find this Markus."

Luther stood as well. "The last bus leaves in two hours. And the terminal is on the other side of town. We haven't got much time." "We'll leave as soon as we have passports." Luther then whispered something to her that I didn't hear, and Kara shook her head. "We'll have lots of time to talk on the bus... I'll be back, stay with Alice." Kara then left, walking up a staircase.

As I was watching her leave, I look around the balcony and spot a familiar looking android walking around, trying not to gain attention. Connor? My mind began to race. What is he doing here? Is he a deviant, or is he still a deviant hunter? What is he looking for? Who is he looking for? My thoughts were interrupted as I looked down and saw what was behind me. And this... is where the truth is revealed.
Behind me, about two or three yards away, sat a little girl. A little girl... that looked exactly like me.

This girl still carried the LED on her head, making her more noticeable in this somewhat dark place. Of course, she wore different clothes and such, but there was no mistaking the fact that we had the same features. She even kept her hair in a ponytail, like I did.

She didn't see me, only I her. I then noticed Kara coming back down the stairs, which were just feet from my twin. I turned back to Luther, who must've seen her too, because he stood and looked at me. "Alice, she needs to know. It'll be better for the both of you, I promise... And, honestly, I think she's known all along, but she subconsciously looked past it..."

I took in the information. Is that why she hesitated back at Zlatko's? Because deep inside, she already knew? I nodded. "I'll break the news to her, unless you want to." Luther said. "No, you go ahead. I'll stay here." Luther gave me a thankful smile as he went to speak to Kara, who had also just seen my look-alike.

I just sat there by the fire, hoping that Kara would continue to love me, despite the fact that I never told her earlier. When she walked back over, she seemed unsure and a little bit shocked. Kara slowly sat by me, and I was worried that I was hoping for too much. "Kara, is there something wrong?" I asked slowly. Kara didn't respond. "We'll be together forever, won't we, Kara?" Kara finally looked over at me, realization showing itself on her face as she thought about my question. The question I had asked before so long ago...

"Yes." Kara said, smiling. She pulled me into a hug.


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