Chapter 3

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It's been a month since Severus tried asking Lilly for forgiveness, and a month since since Lilly started ignoring Severus. Even though everything seeming seemed to be going south for the Slytherin.  Alex was making sure Severus didn't feel lonely, sitting with him at lunch or sitting with him whenever he got the chance. Alex made sure that no matter what Severus had a friend he could turn to. Severus thought that at first, until Alex began making friends with the people in his house, making Severus feel an all new emotion. 

Alex sat down at the end of the Slytherin table waiting for Severus to return from the bathroom. As Alex waited a boy his age sat next to him. Kai. 

"Hey, you, uh, never sit at our table anymore." Alex nodded, he felt bad for just leaving his house's table but he needed to comfort Severus.

"Yeah, sorry about that, it's just my friends going through something, and I want to be there for him." Kai smiles softly at the boy. 

"Well, it's a nice thing your doing for this friend." Kai wraps his arm around Alex's shoulder, trying to make him understand. "But you also need to take care of yourself. You don't owe anyone anything." Alex nodded. Just then the two hear a low gravelly voice behind them startling the poor Hufflepuffs.

"Who. Are. You." The two boys turned around, meeting a pair of onyx eyes glaring at Kai. Kai stumbled on his words as answered the boys question. 

"I-I'm Kai, I'm in Alex's house and I-I was just wondering w-why he wasn't sitting with our table." Alex watched silently as Kai struggled to find words that would not upset the boy any further. 

"Because he prefers to sit with me." Severus said coldly, even making Alex shiver. Kai looked over at Alex confusingly. 

"But you've made so many friends in our house. Not saying Slytherin isn't the best, but why come over here when you've got tons of friends in our house?" Alex opened his mouth to answer, until he was cut off short by Severus. 

"Just because he has 'friends' in his house doesn't mean he wants to sit there." Kai looked at Alex with a hurt expression. 

"Do you not like the Hufflepuff house?" Alex again tried to speak, but was cut off by Severus once again. 

"Why would he? Your to soft. You people are push overs and you need help with even the simplest of problems. Alex is the only functioning wizard in that house." Kai stood up abruptly facing Severus, anger flooding his face. 

"We are not push overs." He said darkly. Alex decided best to finally say something. 

"Ooookayyyy. Let's all step back." Alex started standing in between the two. "Take a few deep breaths. Ok good. Kai, the reason I'm sitting with Severus is not because i dislike our house. On the contrary I love our house, I'm just making sure a friend of mine is alright." Kai nodded as he began to cool off. Alex turned over to Severus who had his arms crossed in annoyance. "As for you." Severus gave Alex a shocked look. "Yeah! Stop speaking for me, I can answer stuff on my own, you don't have to answer for me." Severus huffed and looked at the food on the table. Alex turned to Kai who had his arms crossed a sad look across his face. "I promise I'll sit with you at lunch tomorrow Kai, and I'm sorry I haven't hung out with you." Kai nodded feeling bad now. 

"I-it's ok, I'm sorry for overreacting." Kai looked toward Severus who was sitting silently on the bench.

"Hey, I'm so-" Kai was quickly cut off by Severus.

"Yeah, whatever." Severus huffed. Kai looked at Alex frustration lacing his face. Alex shrugged and mouthed 'sorry' to the frustrated boy. Kai walked away toward his table and Alex sat down crossing his arms as he looked at Severus. Severus looked at Alex with an emotionless stare. 

"What?" Severus asks grabbing a turkey leg.

"What's wrong with you?!" Alex slapped Severus' arm slightly, trying to get his point across without hurting the male. 

"you were the one that decided to talk to him." Severus said dryly. Alex felt his heart race in his chest and his fist baling up with anger. Alex wanted to scream at Severus, but as soon as he saw the hurt look in his eyes, he just couldn't bring himself to yell.  

"What's wrong?" Alex's eyes softened as he attempted to look Severus in his eyes. 

"If your going to leave, just leave. Don't wait to hurt me later." Alex stared at Severus in shock. He couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth! 

"Severus, I would never do that. You're my best friend, no force on earth could make me stop being your friend." Severus turned to Alex, as if to say something, but nothing came out. "You do know that. Right?" Severus shrugged turning back. 

"I'm not sure. Everyone seems to be leaving me, so I thought maybe you would too." Alex looked at Severus sadness clear in his eyes. Severus looked up at Alex and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Severus got up and started to walk away. Until James showed up.

"Where you going snake?" James said harshly, pushing Severus back. "You think you'll just get away from us? You really are in idiot if you think that." James stares at Severus, eyes filled with fire. Alex watched as the Gryffindor harassed his friend. This time he wasn't staying quiet. 

"WILL YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE?" James jumped at the sudden outburst. Severus' face filled with shock at his friends sudden attitude. "THERE IS NO REASON TO PICK ON HIM! AND I SWEAR TO MERLIN IF YOU TOUCH HIM ONE MORE TIME, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU AND YOUR STUPID FRIEND GROUP WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!" Silence. The entire great hall was silent. Severus stared at his friend in shock. He wasn't alone though. James and his groupie had their jaws dropped to the floor. Alex took in a breath, and then let it go. He grabbed Severus' arm and stared James right in the eyes. He spoke so softly so that only James could hear. "I will stay true to my word. Mess with him and you mess with me. So don't you ever. Torment Severus again." Alex looked at James and gave him a smile. "See ya." He says with a smile. 

//////Hufflepuff common room//////

Severus sat in a sofa, still wondering about the events that happened that day. Alex cautiously walked over to Severus, holding two cups of hot chocolate. Alex stood in front of Severus and watched as his friend drifted off to space. 

"Severus? You want your hot chocolate?" Severus continued to drift off only replying with a hum.    Alex handed Severus the hot chocolate, finally bringing Severus back to earth.

"Th-thanks. Can I ask you something?" Alex nodded sitting on a couch that was laid before the sofa. "Do you like Kai?" Alex almost spit out his hot chocolate. 

"W-what?!" Severus takes in a deep breath while looking down at the floor. 

"I don't know, you just both seem kinda close lately." Alex smiled at Severus as he looked toward the ground. No one ever saw this side of Severus, and Alex felt important. Severus looked back up at Alex. Alex quickly brought his mug up so Severus wasn't weirded out by his staring. 

"Well, you're not entirely wrong." Severus looked at Alex pain behind his eyes, but he hid it with a smile. "He's a good friend, but I wouldn't want to date him." Alex takes another sip from his chocolate. Severus nods and continues the hot chocolate his best friend made him. 


Hope you're doing well :) Christmas is only 21 days away! 

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