Chapter 9

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February 14.

Severus hated this time of year. Especially now, since Alex and Vincent will be together the entire day. Severus looked around the great hall, noticing how everyone was all over the place. Slytherins with Ravenclaws. Hufflepuff with Gryffindor's. Ravenclaws and Gryffindor's. Any type of combination of houses, you name it, it's mixed. Severus sat silently while eating his dinner and reading a book Alex recommended him to read. When a figure sat next to him. Severus looked at the person dumb enough to sit beside him, and noticed it was kai.

"Hey Severus! Watcha reading?" Severus laid the book down, making sure to mark off where he was.

"A book about a bunch of humans killing each other, because they were chosen to play a game, and they are forced to find food and supplies that are all around the map." Kai gilts his head, confusion lacing his face. Suddenly his eyes lit up with realization.

"You mean the hunger games?" Severus nods his head a sad look on his face. "What's the matter?" Severus shrugged.

"I just don't understand. She has to choose between two people that she likes, and she ends up kissing this one guy making the other guy jealous, but she doesn't know because she doesn't know he's watching her." Kai nodded as sits besides Severus.

"Yeah it's... complicated." Severus huffed as he looked ahead.

"Why does it have to be! Why can't you just love one person and they love you back." Kai followed Severus' gaze, which landed on Vincent.

"Is this your way of telling me you have a crush on Vincent?" Kai smiled cheekily as Severus shuddered.

"Never in a million years! I'm just saying that those two won't last, and what's the point. In the end they never really loved each other." Kai shrugged. As he watched the couple laughed together.

"Love makes us do stupid stuff, but when your with the right person, it feels like your doing the right thing. Maybe to us they're not in love. They know they're in love. It's difficult to tell someone their wrong when they know they're right. All we can do know is support them for as long as possible." Severus sighed and muttered something under his breath. "What was that?"

"I have a soulmate, but I like someone. Like a crush." Kai's eyes widened.

"What!?" Severus sighed in annoyance.

"I need you to promise that you will not repeat this to anyone." Kai nodded his head excitedly. Severus sighed and closed his eyes to understand what he was about to say. "I like-" suddenly the doors opened wide and filch came in screaming.

"Troll! TROLL!!" The students began to murmur and some were yelling. Severus looked over to Alex who had undeniable fear in his eyes. Severus was taken back to his summer nights with Alex.

Alex hide under the sheets as the thunderstorm raged on outside.

"Alex?" Severus lifted up the blanket Alex was currently hiding under. "Are you ok?" Severus had never seen his friend so scared before. It made Severus feel bad.

"N-no. The lightning sounds scare me." Severus looked out the window and flinched at the sudden lightning and thunder. Severus turned to Alex when he heard his squeal, suddenly Alex had an idea. Alex heard the ruffles around him, and the sudden thunder mixing in. Suddenly the noises stopped. Alex peaked his head out from under the sheets and his eyes widened. Before him was a fort of pillows. Or more like a pillow castle. Alex's eyes lit up with excitement, all fear wiping away. Alex instantly forgot about the storm outside.

////// Present time ///////

Severus immediately got up, forgetting about his conversation with Kai. As Severus neared Alex he stopped. He noticed the way Vincent focused Alex's attention to something on the table, temporarily making him forget about the situation at hand. Suddenly Dumbledore yelled, catching everyone's  attention. Everyone was escorted to their dorms, separating some couples. Even Vincent and Alex. Severus sat on the couch while reading his book, peering up every two seconds to see Vincent pacing the room.

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