Chapter 5

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*February, They're still in their fourth year*

//////Hufflepuff common room//////

"It sounds like you like him." Alex shook his head at kai. the two were currently discussing about people they admired.

"Oh trust me, I don't. We're just friends, so I know a lot of stuff about him." Alex smiled grabbing a cookie that was on a plate before them. Kai shrugged.

"Whatever you say. You should probably go see him to be sure though." Alex looked at kai questioningly.

"Why? I know I don't like him. Why would I need to be sure?" Kai shrugged grabbing a cookie.

"I Don't know man. Do whatever you want." Alex furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't have a crush on him. Alex was sure of it. He just liked the way he smiled. The way he was soft around him, and how cute he looked when he was concentrating on a potion. Oh Sh*t! Alex's eyes widened at his thoughts. He quickly excused himself, and went to find Lilly.


Alex walked into the courtyard. He scanned the area until his eyes landed on the red head. Unfortunately, she was with james and his crew. Alex brushed it off, and made his way towards the group.

"Oh! Hi Alex!" Lilly said waving as she smiled brightly.

"Uh H-Hi." Alex glanced at the boys. They were attempting to avoid eye contact with him, leaving Alex confused. "Hi James. Sirius. Peter, And Remus." Remus and Peter waved at the boy, the other two stood their as they mumbled a hello. "Uh, Lilly? I was wondering if I could talk to you. Alone." James cleared his throat and straitened up.

"Well, We must be going. See ya later Lilly." Lilly waved at the boys as they left. Leaving Alex to talk to the girl. Lilly faced Alex, giving the curly haired boy her attention.

"What's up." She asked rather bubbly. Alex looked at Lilly fear, confusion, whatever it was Lilly sure could tell he wasn't alright. "You can trust me Alex." Alex nodded taking in a deep breath.

"I like someone who already has a soulmate." Lilly tensed and sucked in a breath.

"Wait, are they in a relationship, or do they have a name on their wrist and haven't found their soulmate yet." She looked around to see if anyone had been listening and got closer. "Do you like them? Or have a crush on them?" Alex shrugged suddenly overwhelmed by the situation.

"I-I like h-him." Lilly jumped up excitedly, scaring Alex.

"He?! Ooooh! Now I really want to know! Do I know him?" Alex was about to respond, when lilly gasped. "Is it Sirius?" Alex choked on his own spit he shook his head, trying to regain composure.

"No, Never in a million years would I like Sirius." Lilly shrugged and shook Alex's shoulder violently.

"Then who is it! The anticipation is killing me!" Lilly got on her knees dramatically, all eyes on them now.

"Ok, Ok, Get up people are staring." She brushed the dirt off and smiled at Alex.

"Like I care, But continue." Alex looked down as he rethought his plan. He took in a huge breath, and with a determined look he told her.

"It's... Severus." Alex noticed how stiff Lilly suddenly got. Her face turning an odd shade. "Lilly? Are you ok?" The pale girl nodded.

"W-why?" Alex looked takes back by her response. He thought for a moment before responding.

"Um, because... I'm not sure you'd understand." He said rather quietly. Lilly's face began turning pink.

"Yeah, I wouldn't understand! Because last time I talked with him, HE CALLED ME, a mudblood! He's not a nice person Alex. I wondered why you always hung out with him. HES GOT YOU WRAPPED AROUND HIS FINGER!" Alex began to shy away at her yelling. "HES MANIPULATING YOU ALEX!" Alex shook his head.

"He didn't mean to call you that. You know that damn well. And he's not manipulating me, Lilly. I like him because he's nice to me. He understands me. He's always there for me when I needed it." Lilly scoffed at Alex's words.

"If he's always there for you, then where was he when you were sick? Or when you were doubting that you would ever find love. He's just using you. You're just to blind to see it." Lilly began to walk away but stopped and faced Alex. " A guy like you, shouldn't be with a snake like him." With that the young Gryffindor left. Alex stood their shock clear on his face.

*time skip brought to you by Vincent Zenoba*

Kai scoffed at Alex's story. "That's stupid, you like whoever you like. And why on earth does she think he's manipulating you, you've told him off plenty of times. Right?" Alex looked at the floor, admiring it's well carved details. "Alex. have you two even had discussions about different points of views?" Alex shook his head, he tilted his head slowly upward, meeting Kais gaze. "Ok, Not to be mean, or disrespectful; But he's taken advantage of your kindness." Alex shook his head, not wanting to listen to the nonsense coming from his friends mouth. 

"He is not! Why are you saying that! Severus is my best friend! He would never hurt me on purpose." Alex crossed his arms, pouting at kai. The boy let out a sigh and placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. 

"I want to believe you, I really do, But right now, with everything that I'm hearing. It sounds like he's using you. I wouldn't say this to purposely hurt you, you know that, right?" Alex sighs unsure  of what to do. 

"Yeah, It's just... He's my bestfriend. I can't just leave him." Kai smiled, as the boy stood up from his sofa he made a swift move to grab Alex's hand.

"Just don't get hurt." And with that he walked away without another word. Alex thought to himself.

'Severus wouldn't hurt him. Right?'


I am so sorry this took forever to make. I was just having some serious (or should i say sirius) writers block, But I'm back and better than ever!

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