My Night Alone With My Stepfather (Part One)

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Will's Point Of View 

“This is one closer to home though,” I groaned, becoming extremely stressed by the reality of trying to pick a university.

“That doesn’t matter, if you can get into the best, then do it. We can buy you a flat down south if you end up there.” Matt sighed, sitting back in his chair.

“But I might get homesick,” I said. I tried to keep an expressionless cover on my face, but I ended up laughing. “When is mum home?”

He checked his watch, “Soon. I better get dinner on.”

“I’ll help.”

“No, you need to study.” Matt corrected me with a stern look surfacing his face.

“Buuuuut,” I whined, following him through the arch into the open plan kitchen.

“No buts, if you want to get into any university, you need to study.” He ordered, sprinkling some flour on the counter.

“Fine.” I mumbled and marched off to my bedroom.

I sat down at my desk and groaned, “Oh, Matt.”

It’s been a year since my mum and Matt got married but it hasn’t changed my feelings for him. He’s always seemed to be there for me, a rock, and a secure person to turn to. I can’t look at him like a replacement for Dad, because there just simply couldn’t be one. So, it ended up that I look at Matt like a crush or something. I always seemed to obey him, but not my mother. Since Dad died, my mum and I just travelled on separate roads. 

 I reluctantly opened my Maths book and glanced at it. I would much rather be cooking with Matt right now. I got up from my seat and skipped to the kitchen, “I studied.”

Matt looked at me and frowned. “Will.”


“Will. Go study.”

“Matt, let me help you cook.”

After a few seconds, Matt rolled his eyes in defeat and moved aside. “Knead the dough.”

I done as he said but obviously I wasn’t doing it to perfection. He grabbed my hands and began to push them into the dough. “Continue like that.” He muttered and went back to the cooker. 

I gazed at his back as his muscled flexed with every move. His golden brown hair was messy and out of place.

“Stop staring at me.” He mumbled and began stirring some liquid. 

 “Wha- I wasn’t.” I said defiantly.

“I could see you in the reflection of the window, Will.”

Matt didn’t often smile, nor laugh. He just portrayed a serious demeanour all the time. I don’t know why, he just never seemed to come out of his shell. Or maybe that was him in general. I still haven’t figured him out fully.

I sighed and continued to knead the dough, feigning an act of interest. 

"Right, this is done." I sighed, looking at him. 

"Roll it out into a circle." He answered quietly. 

The phone began to ring and Matt and I looked at each other wondering who could answer it. 

"I have messy hands," I smirked. He rolled his eyes and picked it up. 

"Hey, Steph." He answered, "Oh, oh... okay. That's fine. No, don't worry. Seeya, love you too." 

"What was it?" I mumbled, glimpsing at him. 

"Your mother has a meeting and she has to travel to Newcastle, so she'll stay the night there." 

"So we have a whole pizza to ourselves." I grinned cheekily. 

"I guess so." He muttered. 

I felt like it was my responsibility to make him laugh, or smile. I want to be the person to shower him with happiness and love. Tonight was my time to do something. 

"Take your hoodie off, you'll ruin it." He frowned, eyeing the flour fingers on my blue, Nike hoodie. 

I done as he said and threw it on the chair. He was stood at the sink washing his hands when a naughty thought crossed my mind. I sauntered behind him and began to press my fingers into his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He asked firmly. 

"You're really tense." I mumbled, my breath catching with the touch of Matt himself.

I softened the pace of the massage and I could feel him relaxing under me. We were the same height which helped a lot. Matt moaned which instantly made me excited. I could feel my jeans stirring and I winced. 

"God, you're good at these." He whispered sounding strained. Perfect. 

I dipped my head into the crook of his neck and gently placed my lips to his skin. He didn't protest so I carried on and pecked all up to his ear and back down to where his collar was. I let my hands slide over his torso and up to the top button of his shirt. I slowly unbuttoned his tight, white shirt, hearing his breathing turn erratic. 

Suddenly, he spoke, "Stop." 

I swallowed and just pushed myself to keep going, against his demands. 

"I said stop." He said louder. 

He turned around to meet my eyes. I brought my hands back up to his shirt and finished unbuttoning his shirt. It slid from his shoulders and flew to the tiles. I walked in closer to him so there was no space between us for water to pass through. 

"Kiss me." I whispered gently. 

He gulped and slowly brought his lips closer to mine. He lingered for a minute. His warm breath tickled my mouth, before he placed his plump lips against mine. I immediately moan into him and ran my hand through his hair. Something came over him and he began kissing me fiercely. Our tongues danced and I moved a leg between his legs, he groaned and we started to grind. His hands moved from my jaw, down to my waist where they lurked for a second before cupping my butt cheeks.

Oh, hell. 

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