My Night Alone With My Stepfather (Part Three)

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Will's Point Of View 

Six Months Later

"Oh, honey, please take care of yourself." My mum fussed, wiping a tear from her face. 

"I will, mum." I smiled, giving her one last hug. 

"Matt, are you ready?" She called out, looking down the hall. 

"Now am I. All goodbyes done?" He muttered, opening the front door.

We mumbled and hugged once more before I followed Matt outside to the car. When we got in, he instantly spoke. "I checked the bus timetables. There's one that leaves in ten minutes, or there is one that leaves in an hour." He mumbled, reversing out the drive. 

I didn't have to answer him but I just smirked his way. I knew what was going to end up happening, and so did he so I just left it at that. He took a few turns here and there and soon we came onto the motorway. The song 'Danger! High Voltage' was playing on the radio which gave me a string of ideas. 

I placed my hand on his knee, rubbing up and down lightly. Ever since our first sexual encounter, we've sort of been fuck buddies. Like having 'bonding time' together out of town, or grinding in the kitchen when my mother's in the livingroom or having 'bonding time' in the shower, or having naked 'bonding time' in the hot tub. Any of them really. 

"Don't start, I'm driving." He frowned. 

I obviously ignored his demands and slid my hand up further into his groin, squeezing lightly. I saw his gulp and grip the steering wheel. I began to massage his bulge slowly and carefully, whilst watching him his face expressions. He moaned quietly and I could feel his member hardening beneath my grip. He took a turn I didn't recognize and soon we were in the middle of a forest. 

He stopped the car and I just laughed lightly. 

"You don't mind arriving to Cambridge a few hours later than planned, right?" He smirked, one of the only times ever. 

He pulled me on top of him and we began passionately making out. His tongue grazed my bottom lip while my hand pulled him in deeper by the neck. His hands started to unzip my jacket, then he pulled my hoodie over my head. I slipped his jacket off and loosened his tie. His hands were on my waist, grinding me into him harder. I ripped his white shirt open and buttons went flying all over the car. 

Some how within our session my trousers and shirt came off. My hands started to tug at his belt and soon his bulge was free. Our grinding became needy and it was no longer satisfying our needs. 

"Fuck it." He mumbled against my lips and in one swift move, he pulled my boxers down, revealing myself in all my glory. 

He pressed himself into me and we moaned in unison. 

Three Hours Later

I was still sat in his lap, with my back against the steering wheel. 

"I'll miss these moments." He panted pulling my shirt over my head. 

"I'll miss you." I admitted, holding his head in my hands. 

"No, you won't." He muttered, lifting me up a fraction to pull his trousers back up.

"I love you." I panted, still holding his jaw.

He stopped what he was doing and gazed at me. We froze for nearly a minute, just gazing into each other's eyes. 

"Do you?" He breathed in deeply with a look of horror painted on his face. 

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