My Night Alone With My Stepfather (Part Two)

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Matt's Point Of View

After a year long of suppressed sexual tension, I can let it free now. 

I picked Will up by his thighs and carried him over to the table. I reluctantly placed him down but not once breaking the steamy make out session. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in deeper into the kiss. I poured myself into him and laid his back down on the table. I climbed onto of him and started to pull his shirt off. He helped eagerly and his hands went straight to my belt buckle, tugging, fiddling and pulling at it. I moved my legs between his leg, repeating his sexy action from earlier. The phone began to ring again and we pulled away, panting like dogs. I couldn't be more breathless if I ran a twenty-five mile marathon. Will's hand remained on the button of my jeans while mine stayed put at his jaw. 

He gazed up at me and I cursed under my breath before climbing off him and the dinner table. I looked at the caller I.D on the phone and it read Steph. Damn.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to cover up my lack of breath. 

"Hey, hun. I just remembered, could you help Will with his CV?" Stephanie asked. 

I cringed at the sound of his name. "Sure, no problem." 

Will flopped back down onto his back shirtless and still panting, "Fuck." 

"Thanks honey. I'll see you some time tomorrow. Love you!" Steph said. 

"Yeah, .. yeah.." I mumbled before hanging up. I shouldn't have left it like that but I just don't have the breath to continue. 

I began to walk away, down the hall when Will's voice called me. "Where are you going?" 

"Shower." I really didn't fancy talking to him after that. 

"You can't just leave me with a raging hard on." He shouted, sounding expectant. 

"Shit." I muttered before walking back into the kitchen to him.

"You really think I'm going to fix that for you?" I snapped, looking at him.

He didn't say anything but got down from the table and came over to me, "I sure do, Matt." 

He crashed his lips against mine and his hands instantly went to my zipper. I groaned but this felt too good to walk away from. He pulled me back to the table where we resumed our previous positions. He pushed his lower half into mine and I immediately got hard. 

"God, Will." I moaned against his lips. 

He repeated the move and before I knew it, we were grinding as hard as possible. He pulled my jeans down, leaving me in just my Calvin Kleins. I pushed my area into his and his hands gripped my back. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them off fully, revealing his purple y-fronts. I growled hungrily and bit his bottom lip. 

"Take me, please." He begged against my lips. 

Due to the haze my mind was in, nothing else seemed like a better idea. 

I collapsed onto his chest, soaking with sweat and panting once again. 

"You're not bad for a forty year old." He laughed.

I glared up at him, "No need to bring my age into this." 

He bent his head to kiss me and soon it was round two. 

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