The Mind

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He knew he should think like his physical age, but it was really hard not to when he's still figuring out how to regain his previous allies and be quick on taking down the Black Organization properly. He was only lucky the organization spared the Mouris, his friends, and his parents for so long.

Even then he wasn't sure if that was to play with his sanity or not.

They'll all be taken in by surprise and no one can stop him from doing it right this time. He wanted to get started now, but since it was still a couple weeks before he can go to school, or outside at all really, Shinichi thought it was a good idea to exercise his mind.

Exercise meaning having Conan engage on academic talks without the child noticing.

Conan told Shinichi so many times he was smarter than he looks. Shinichi just wasn't aware how smart until one conversation they had over a thesis.

They were lounging in the private library minding their own business until Shinichi asked his opinion about the thesis he was reading on from a book the teen apparently picked up randomly from one of their highest shelves.

Conan wasn't even paying too much attention to the conversation because he was concentrating on pretending to solve the card Shinichi gave him as he thought of possible ways to contact the FBI. Shinichi had gone quiet and Conan thought they were done talking until the teen asked a question that made him look up.

"What have they done to you?" It was asked in the most concerned and worried voice that made Conan wondered what he did wrong.

"Huh?" he asked, confused. Who have done what to him?

"No kid should have that level of intelligence." Shinichi stated and Conan raised an eyebrow. Shinichi explained, "Well, I'm not degrading kids or anything, but unless you're somehow sick and dying I don't think your mind should be lacking gray matter."

Did the doctor scan his brain and discussed it with Shinichi?

Conan was a bit unimpressed, "Shinichi-niichan, not everyone is the same. Maybe I'm just special." He looked back down on his piece of paper before adding, "But children are getting better than adults every generation or so, and I'm ten years younger than you."

Technically, his mind was older than Shinichi by four years but the teen didn't need to know that.

"Oi." Shinichi hit Conan's head lightly with the spine of the book he was reading.

Conan grinned, "I'm just saying." He went back to his card, pen, and paper.

Shinichi took his book away and relaxed back on the couch, "We should really get out more. It's not healthy for you to stay here inside."

Conan scoffed as he rotate his card upside down, "You're the one who said I shouldn't go parading around the neighborhood." When did Akai-san appeared in his timeline again?

Shinichi groaned, "I know. It's just until we get paper works done. But I also know what it feels like to stay inside this big house."

Rotating the card didn't give much other than '31$5¥¢~¶'. Maybe he can contact the guy?...but then again, he didn't know where anyone was at this time.

"Oh, I know! Let's go to Agasa-hakase next door!" Shinichi exclaimed and Conan stopped.

When the sentence registered in his mind, he paled, "Uh, how about no." Conan vetoed, "How about we stay here and let me finish my puzzle." he suggested.

Shinichi only rolled his eyes as he stood up and tried to pick Conan up. Conan wouldn't budge.

"Come, on, Conan, you haven't been officially introduced to each other." Shinichi grunted as he pulled Conan off the floor, "He's a great man."

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